Sunday, February 8, 2015


When one lives in Iowa, deep in the heart of the Midwest, boots are your friend! And they have been my friend since I was little - when I wore the "over the shoe" models. Those boots were fashioned from a firm rubber. At the top, a small elastic band gathered the boot around your leg.

Sometimes we actually put bread bags on our feet or shoes before inserting them into these boots. I suppose the bags assisted in waterproofing the things. We never wore bags over our shoes...I guess Atlantic kids were smarter than Red Oak kids - understanding that the bags would rip right away...

As the third Bullock child, I wore a number of "hand me down" boots. I remember white boots similar to the ones above. As your feet (and shoes) grew, the boots would start getting tighter and would suck the shoes off when you tried to take the boots off your cold pink feet. There were no good socks back then either.

The other hand-me-down boots I enjoyed were the cowboy boots I wore at Bar-L Ranch each year when I attended summer camp in Guthrie Center. I felt so cool wearing those boots and denim jeans. I was a natural cowgirl I guess! They were perfect for Monday night square dancing - "Heel toe, heel toe slide, slide".
Our boots looked similar to these
 When I grew a little older, Mom broke down and bought winter boots that fit our feet without shoes! Of course then we had to remember to take our shoes along to school. I spent many a day prancing around school in my stocking feet. Can you imagine what my socks looked like after that?

One fashion I never did participate in was the Go-Go boots. (Mom probably wouldn't have allowed it if I had wanted them...or, maybe Betso had some) A new girl moved to town in about 4th grade and she had a pair. I sure remember them. Karen Apple was her name - and in my memory bank she looked like Twiggy in those shiny white boots. Gorgeous!

By my high school years, I was much too cool for boots - except when I was working with my horse Jack when I still relied on my trusty cowboy boots. I had a couple pairs. The suede ones were for everyday and the shiny ones were for horse shoes. I wish I still have both pairs! I swear I saw a pair at a retro store in the East Village that looked just like my shiny pair last year.

Boots are huge now. I love it because they are attractive and warm! I try to avoid buying the cheap knock offs, but I admit to having a few pairs - including my cowboy boots. I feel confident when wearing boots - ready to take on horses, show, bosses. Anything!
at work this week

Eventually the boots craze fashion will wear off - but I'll still be wearing them. High stepping!

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