Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sledding through the years

Big snow day!

Sledding made headlines in the DM Register this week. It seems several towns are curtailing just where people can take part it this delightful activity due to lawsuits. Sioux City lost a biggie - just under $3 million for a little girl who was seriously hurt in a sledding accident. I don't know the details of that case. I'm sure there are many medical expense for her care today.

Des Moines has decided to cut the number of places people can sled. That was they can make sure the areas are safe - in case a sledder smacks into a sign or zips onto a road, they aren't liable for all those "off brand" sites.

This made me think about all the places we used to sled in Atlantic. Like wherever we want to...unless someone chased us off! Back in the days before everyone got sued. Or maybe sleds weren't as fast - though our old saucer could really fly!

In Creston, the best sledding hill was right across from our first home - at the old Bus Barn Hill. It could get so steep and icy that it was hard to climb up. Paul and I started our children on the side hill - along Walnut Street. What a blast it is to see a child's reaction to snow and sledding for the first time. Our dog Moki, a West Highland Terrier loved it too! He'd chase along beside the sled barking and laughing (I swear).

When the kids were a little older we purchased one of those inflatable sleds. The Crittendens invited us out to Steve's Dad's farm south of town where there was a big hill to sled. He forgot to tell us about the frozen cow pies on that hill. Those things can be sharp - one popped our sled. Oops! We enjoyed a wienie roast that day too. There may have been an injury or two - in addition to our sled...but there were no lawsuits. Good memories!

Let's not allow sledding doesn't become one of those activities that can only take place at a paid site. C'mon...can't we just have some fun?

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