Saturday, January 10, 2015

My an allergic nutshell

Whoo! What a busy winter week. It had everything. A winter storm, freezing cold and wind, Cyclone hoops, a medical appointment and a dancing date with my honey. I was exhausted by Friday.

Paul and I left early from work Monday - as the snow started flying late morning. I picked him up on the Locust Street bridge about 2:30 p.m. and it was snowing heavily by then. I avoided the Freeway - sticking to Grand and Ashworth on my way home - slowed down by a wreck on Valley West Drive. By the time we were just a few blocks from home, it was nearly impossible to see - between my frozen windshield wipers and the heavy snow. My co-pilot wasn't much help on EP True Parkway - where I couldn't see the curb or lanes. I was glad to pull into the driveway of our place! Des Moines ended up with six inches.

Tuesday night the ISU Men's basketball team had an 8 p.m. basketball game. Late night for the Gsmiths! We were lucky it didn't turn into overtime - a close game, but the Cyclones pulled it out. Phew. By the time we left Hilton, the cold had started ratcheting up. Schools were beginning to cancel for the next day.

Wednesday was Allergy Test day. Yes Dear Reader, it's more about My Health. Skip over if bored. I find it fascinating, of course...
Turn on the Wayback Machine. When I was about 4 years old, my parents took me to Iowa City to see an allergist. Since then, I've seen allergists throughout my life at various times. It's been at least 10 years since the last time I have been tested. So much more is known now about allergies than in 1960...and 1970. I had shots until I was 18 years old.

the red one is cockroach

Now I know allergies do more than just cause itchy eyes and nose. The medicine I'm taking for Grave's Disease is helping me feel better, but despite that, I have been effected with headaches for the past couple months. This time of year is when I do get more headaches. Why? I'm hoping these tests help me proactively approach this problem.

I remember that when my Iowa City allergist retired, I changed to a new one in Omaha when I was in Junior High. That was the first time I remember going through the testing similar to what I did last week - the needle prick with the offending material. This time I also had to report on several materials 24 and 48 hours after the test.

What I discovered: I reacted to Wheat, Eggs, Milk, Beef, Soy. Wow - that's a bit overwhelming. I eat that stuff all the time. The doctor's office suggests that I emit all of those from my diet for 2 weeks and see how I feel. Then I should slowly add them back in. My shopping list will be different this week! I also reacted to the usual suspects like dust, dogs, cats, mold, and cockroaches. Yep...dirty little rascals. Why would we worry about them? Evidently they are in chocolate! Google the two...ugh!

I have a couple goals. Reduce the number of dust mites in my bedroom and clean up my diet. Odie will be put in a bag. haha. No not really. Part of me thinks that changing my diet is a stretch. I've been eating all of these things all my life. But I'll give it a try - just like in 7th grade when I missed all the good foods Mrs. Elming helped us cook in Home Economics class when I went through this same thing.

Wednesday night Paul and I attended Book of Mormon at the DSM Civic Center. It was our second time to see this decadent raunchy show. I love the music and this show makes me laugh. Another past my bedtime night though...

Thursday evening Paul and I snagged broasted chicken at the Tavern in Valley Junction before attending our first Ballroom Dance class in a series of eight. Yes, it's the exact same class we took a year ago - with instructors Jim and Suzi. Jim tells the same 'ol jokes. Paul and I laughed at each other - again! My how dancing tires you out - even if you're in shape from walking miles toting a tree stand like he is.

I couldn't wait for Friday to roll around so I didn't have to go anywhere! I was tired. I did run down to Creston that afternoon and pick up my new Kate Spade glasses. It was a quick jaunt and I didn't stop anywhere else. The trip brought back memories of my commuting years though. I don't miss them!

I drove by Green Valley Chemical - where an explosion this week took the life of Eldon Ray, who sat in front of us at church at Holy Spirit for many years. We watched Eldon and his wife Cindy nurture their grandson. Periodically their daughter would join them. Thoughts and prayers go out to her and her children.

I scrubbed the allergist's numbers off my arm in time for a water aerobics class at the Y this a.m. Amy and her friend Corey are coming through DSM next week and we're looking forward to that. Winter is a busy time it seems!

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