Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sick Day

I'm off sick today. Oh I gave it the 'ol college try at work (just like Governor Branstad who collapsed at an event with flu-like symptoms Monday), but my sore throat and my irritated colon made life miserable there. I didn't wish to infect others, so I came home.

Now I'm listening to a sequel to a Jeffery Deaver book, It's the "Skin Collector". You might remember the movie the "Bone Collector" featuring Denzel and Angelina Jolie. It's fairly grim as forensic science books tend to be. Good stuff for a sick day.

I don't often take sick days - I can count on one hand the number of them I've taken that weren't related to surgical procedures and doctors visits. I don't like missing work. Looking back, I probably should have missed more than I did this fall when I was battling shoulder issues. #workmartyr

My sick day makes me think about days I "called in sick" from school at Washington Elementary and Mom took care of me. Now that was the best! (except when I was really, really sick). I got Mom all to myself instead of sharing with 3 other girls! I usually spent the day in my room with my beloved books. Hey...just like today - but without the Mom part. Miss you Mamma!

Sometimes Dr. Wilcox would come by with his big black doctor's bag. I feared the dreaded butt thermometer and shots! Cough medicine was something else that was difficult to choke down. I did enjoy that yummy children's chewable aspirin.

Today I've got nurse Odie by my side. Advil has taken away my body aches for now. I hope this illness is short-lived. Being sick is boring. Our family is staying with us tonight. Jean and Dave Fox have an early morning flight out of the DSM International Airport. I don't have time for this! Nap time.

Happy Birthday to our wonder dog Odie who turned 10 this week. She's feeling better after last week's tummy troubles. Yay. We old girls must take care of ourselves.

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