Monday, August 18, 2014

LOTO 2014

Pablo and I didn't understand the acronym at first when Donnie McKim emailed with the heading LOTO. Lots of terrible offers? Leap Off To Order?

I even googled it. Nothing. Then it hit me. Lake of the Ozarks. Yay - we love going to LOTO! We are friends with people who own property there. (and yes...we'd like 'em anyway without all their cool homes and stuff).

McKims purchased a place two years ago and Sharon and Allan Higgins are working on their third home there. I don't think you can call it "flipping" when you own each place that long. Both fams are turning diamonds (okay maybe they were rhinestones) in the rough into beautiful lake homes.

To save vacation time, I put a whole week of work hours in Monday through Wednesday. Working at the Iowa State Fair helped. I enjoy talking to people about all things environmental. And choosing what to eat during my break. #corndog, #pulledturkey, #lemonade.
On the McKim deck - flying the colors!
We took off for LOTO early Thursday. McKims, McFees and Higgins had all arrived prior. The guys got their handyman fix that afternoon - around the McKim place. We girls did some deck time. Later we headed out on the McKim 'toon (that's pontoon for you landlubbers) for wings and brews.
McKims' daughter Katie was there with her nifty doggy Lena - who loves to swim and ride in the boat. She's a golden doodle and the calmest pup ever - except when she sees ducks.
Sharon with Katie and Lena
On Friday, Katie headed out for home - we missed her and Lena. We headed out on the boat towards the dam - to meet our little buddy Judson. He'd never been to this lake. As a Missouri resident for 3+ years now it was about time. He drove down from St. Louis. Nice of Don and Dee to allow us to invite him along. GF Kara was working in Alabama - jealous girl! We met him at a bar and off we went to Coconuts!

We didn't actually stop at the Hillbilly Yacht Club - but the pic is effective
Coconuts - meat market! Fun to watch the activities
We didn't stay for "foam" and the band at 9:30 p.m. at Shady Gators...
Saturday started out a bit rainy. We ate breakfast in town and the boys did "errands". They did stop at a number of manly places like Mennards but I think some beer was involved. The girls went to the outlet mall. By late morning the clouds had mostly parted - it was boatin' time!

We proceeded to Snake Cove (named because of its snakey shape) to show Jud what "floating" is all about. Lake + noodles or some other flotation device and a beverage. We passed a group of dads and sons (ages 8-11ish) with a pontoon that had a diving platform roof. Some boys were doing flips. We applauded and egged them on. This is livin' ya'll.
My boys

After I'd floated for like 10 minutes Jud pointed out a snake swimming about 10 yards away from us - headed across the cove. Then it went under the water. Yikes! There was a made scramble as Bobbie got out of the water. Dee never got in. We were OVER Snake Cove - that was apparently not just named after the shape of the cove...

We ended up motoring to a more open area, tying the Lena (I'm trying out names for the McKim boat) up to a boat owned by a group from Cedar Rapids.  They are younger folks, likely in their early 40's, late 30's. They had a great sound system and were fun to talk to. No snakes. I loved floating with Jud and talking about life. #pricelessmoments
Now I see why it rained a bit on us. A bit cloudy!

That night we grilled hamburgers at McKims - excited to make it past 10 p.m. (I rested my eyes a bit earlier). I admit - I'm one of the first to bail out for bed. Sun, fun and liquor tire me out. In a good way!

We headed home early Sunday, a shade darker than lily white, despite application of oodles of sunscreen. The older I get, the more I appreciate good times with fam and friends. #luckygirl.
The boys...Jeff gave Jud valuable coffee drinking advice. Add Bailey's.

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