Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Summer memories

It's been a beautiful week. Almost a bit cool, which some are loving. As a former lifeguard I have to sympathize with those who have chosen to spend their summer babysit...I mean faithfully guarding the lives of those who partake in a refreshing dip the local pool.

Except this summer they haven't often needed to! I'd be willing to bet those lifeguards haven't gotten many hours in. The oldest three Bullock girls cashed a lot of lifeguard paychecks in our day. Susi worked at the Country Club and Lake Anita. Cindy was queen of the Country Club pool too. Charley Wickman called her Mrs. Lifeguard.

We had all grown up at that very pool. The story is that years before my grandfather, Wally Bullock was the first to jump in the pool after it was built. I heard both Dad and Aunt Marty tell that it's likely true. Though I can't picture it. Bubba in trunks. (not in Florida).

As youngsters the Bullocks practically lived at the Country Club pool every summer. Mom would pack us up in the station wagon in our little swimming suits, each with a towel. Sunscreen hadn't been invented yet...but we might have had a bottle of Coppertone Suntan Lotion. That smell still takes me back to the land of hot concrete, happy screams and splashing noises. My freckled body can attest to the lack of sunscreen!

The club wasn't quite this old...and the pool wasn't built yet back then

Many of my little buddies were at the pool too and in between dips in the baby pool and big pool (Nibbles!), we'd make tents out of the wicker chairs. Tip two down and draping our towels over the top - walaa. A fort! The snack room was great too - when it was still inside the club. I recall Dick Westbrook working there, doling out frozen snickers and popsicles. There were even a couple tables. When I got older we played cards. Spoons! And watched the big console television in the den outside the snack room. Perched on soft leather couches we watched the goofy freaky soap opera Dark Shadows.

When I got older I would I head from fun swimming at the County Club to Swim Team practice (11 laps = 1 mile) at Sunnyside - the public pool. After all those years hanging out at that place must have sunk in. Because though I was a substitute lifeguard at "The Club", I worked at Sunnyside - with my pals. My lifeguard summer. Sal, the Merrick girls, Hjort, Todd and Ted. I also got to know some people I didn't know before. Cindy and Kim, Pat and Mike.

I hope we have some warmer weather before area swimming pools close. It's summer in Iowa ya'll!
Bike ride took us to Cheesecake Factory - S'mores. Yum!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Class reunions - a dying event?

Amy headed home on Amtrak - arriving Friday a.m. in Crestonia (late as usual - good job Amtrak) for her 10th high school class reunion. Hungry, she walked to S&K Café for a bit 'o breakfast. She recognized a few familiar faces and one smiling one especially. When she tried to pay Chuck, the proprietor, someone had already taken care of it...anonymously. That warms my heart. Good 'ol Creston.

Was it Darwin West auctioneer, bus driver, prom announcer and all around good guy? Amy will never know but is forever grateful. The Denver kid still loves her home town because of things like that!

Amy planned the Creston High School's Class of 2004 reunion from afar. She wasn't the Class president or anything, but hey...nobody else was doing it - and it seemed important to her. Maybe her business mentor, my classmate Roger Underwood (Atlantic High School Class of 1976) is rubbing off on her. He's been great at planning our Atlantic class reunions (except for the last one when I accepted the challenge). I'm glad it's important to Amy as well.

I totally understand it when some people choose to just walk away from high school and wash their hands of the whole thing. They had a bad experience, have become a new person and don't feel like revisiting that time in their lives. Or some people just don't have that much vacation time - and peeling off time for a reunion isn't in the cards. Others just might not want to see a certain someone in the class, or to talk about where they are in their lives at that point. But in my opinion they're missing out.

I'm intrigued by watching people grow up. I must admit, I didn't pay attention to some of my classmates as we moved through those high school years. I had my group of friends and the others were bit players in my eyes. After graduation - when classmates had matured a bit...and maybe I had too - it was fun to talk to them. I hope they didn't think I was a total idiot.

Maybe Amy will never come back to another reunion. Or maybe, like her momma, she'll go to many. She enjoyed this one. She wished more classmates could have attended, but what can you do? There's never a perfect weekend - you just have to pick.

Paul and I chose to chaperone part of the evening at The Lobby along with some of our homies. First we ate at A&G where the Class of 1994 reunion was happening. I wish I would have known that Missy Frank, daughter of our daycare providers Carol and Mark, was there in the party room. We did run into these honeys.
Hudek girls - Megan, Syd and Erin
 We also saw many other familiar faces including Stew Stewart and family and Troy Jay's parents. Katzers came in for a bite with Ron and Dottie Dunphy. It's nice to go where everybody knows your name.
Amy and Kristina McFee Carroll

The crowd at The Lobby was much younger. Tim, the Lobby Owner, had hired a DJ with karaoke capabilities - one of the guy singers was pretty darn good. The girls gathered in the corner so we could keep an eye on the people - a mix since the bar wasn't closed to just the Class of 2004. Just down the street the Class of 1984 had hired a band and they were celebrating in the alley. Wow - 3 decades of former students in town.

unofficial chaperones/stalkers
It was fun to chat with some of the kids from the class who chose to take time to speak with us parents. Soon however the fellas (Jeff, Paul and Donnie) felt the need to keep moving. They walked to the Elms Club to catch up with some of the folks from that class. 1984 was a couple years before we moved to town. Thane Glynn told a couple of hilarious stories and then they were off across the tracks.
When we first moved to Creston, Sidetracked was a dive bar right next to First National Bank where I worked. Then it got "selected" to move when the city decided the area was needed for urban development - Fareway went in there. Sidetracked (named due to proximity to Burlington Northern tracks, or because certain husbands get off course when they go there) moved to the south side of the tracks and has been there ever since. The establishment is run by a CHS classmate of Jeff's (Class of 1976) Randy Hagel. He's a big boy.

we were the only customers by this point...
When I got a text saying the boys were at Sidetracked we decided to join them. I didn't think we really needed to stay for the Class of 2004's whole reunion. Deb decided to head home - her husband Larry and sons (Brett is Amy's classmate) are in Cooperstown, NY at the Baseball Hall of Fame ceremony - trip of a lifetime! So Deb was flying solo.

On our way out of the door I stopped to say goodbye to Amy and chatted with Stormy Weis Wilson - longtime bff of Amy. What a sweetheart! Amy stayed at Stormy and Kyle's this weekend and I'm so glad they had a chance to catch up.

Don describes to Diana how to get him to listen to her...
Bobbie, Diana and I walked across the tracks to see what the fellers were up to. Of course when we got to was evident - the guys were up to no good! Soon Cheetos were had. Randy shot water at Diana from behind the bar when she tried to order just a she had to settle on a vodka tonic. No limes at that joint...or diet tonic!

We shut Randy down and ended up back at the Elm's Club for just 1 more. Not for me though - I was driving. By the time we got back to B&J's Kristina was there and Odie was able to enjoy some Cheerios with Jeff and her. Bedtime 1:30 a.m. - late for this kiddo!

Bobbie served a lovely egg casserole this a.m. and we picked Amy up in time to do a rundown of the evening - who was there and who was a no-show who had said they were coming. It was a pretty good turnout for a Facebook Invite event with no real "buy in" required by anyone. Everyone there said they'd like to do it again in 5 years. Amy better get some tips from Roger...

Some say class reunions are dying out because people keep track of each other on Facebook. I say bah humbug.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sum sum summatime

It's official. Sorry autumn. Summer is my new favorite season.

Ever since I grew up, fall has traditionally been my fave season - November birthday, the beautiful leaves, football, back to school. The clothes are fabulous.
Biking is a swell summer activity - 2013

Just today Paul and I were discussing it - and I've decided. Move over Fall - now I pick summer. I like warm weather and the activities that go along with the summer months. The Farmer's Market, deck weather, flowers, bike riding, the 4th of July is my second fave holiday - a close 2nd to Christmas Eve at Lefebvres/Christmas dinner at Pottorffs.

summer makes Pablo and me smile!

The summer months whiz by very quickly, while last year the winter months seem to stretch out like an endless black asphalt highway. And there were no exits. This year spring was winter's ugly little sister - she'd pretend to be nice and would then pull the rug out from under us. Snow stretched into May. Bitch!

My sissies came in June
I don't like having to wear sweaters all summer - especially at work. You'd think the 5th floor at the Wallace Building would be hot. Heat rises - but not in my cubicle. I wore a jacket this week. I know - I should get some circulation! Drat all you hot bodies and your need for over cooling.

Next up this summer? The Iowa State Fair. Yes you can look forward to this year's picture of me with my corn dog. I'll try to keep it G rated. I will work in the DNR Trailer (near the Grandstand - beside DNR's building) handing out prizes to smart people.
2012 - Lake

After that - Lake of the Ozarks. What happens at the Lake...will probably be on Facebook...I think there is a bloody mary with my name on it.

I also have a special trip planned to Lake Tahoe with a couple high school friends. Summer fun still in the works.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back blog - we Yankee Doodled with McFees

We left so soon after the 4th of July for our Cannon Beach vacation that I didn't have a chance to blog about the sparkly good time we had with our friends over the 4th of July holiday. This blog will remedy that. I write as I sit on my deck on a fine hot Sunday afternoon. Finally - some heat.

The City of Des Moines hosts an annual celebration on the 3rd of July called Yankee Doodle Pops. The symphony plays and of course, at dark, fireworks ensue. Paul and I attended last year and had a good time. This year we were delighted to be joined for the night by our good friends Bobbie and Jeff. My former roomie Joan came after work to the Pops.

Bobbie, Jeff, Paul and I headed downtown Thursday July 3rd - first stop:
Buzzard Billy's. Their chicken jerk nachos are good. We carried our chairs along as we walked east towards the Iowa State Capitol Building.
Next stop: Locust Street Tap.'s a dive. Bobbie and Jeff relished in the diviness. Oh wait - that was me.
Jeff talks farming at Lime

Then we went around the corner to Lime - where they mix a good martini. We sat outside because it was a great evening. By then it was 6:30 or so - time to go put our chairs down at the Pops location. We wanted to get a good spot. We headed back towards Locust Street only to see a male 60 year old cross dresser in a blond wig, heels, plaid shorts - was he shirtless? He was working it for a photographer with the brick wall of Locust Tap in the background. Wow! I yelled out encouragement but didn't stop for a photo. What was I thinking?

A salsa band was playing as we placed our chairs. We didn't have a cooler with drinks. After chair placement wiser heads prevailed. More drinks were in order. We walked back to Lime where the cross dresser was sitting on the patio - sans wig, now wearing a hat. And a shirt. Another man sidled by us on a wall and scrambled into a seat near us saying, "You didn't see someone who looked just like me walk by did you..."! It was getting interesting.

We went back to our seats at the Capitol after one more drink. Joan joined us and we found her niece and daughter. We watched people. Then the music started. When the fireworks started we figured out why our seats weren't very good - we were behind a tree! We started headed west walking toward to the car so we could see them.

We were very hungry so we headed west to Bar Louie - and had a bit to eat before retiring for the night. The next day we had breakfast casserole on the deck.
breakfast on the deck
After breakfast we went for a bike ride - going on the trail east of our house. I stopped at Saints while the others went farther. I was already in vaca mode - sipping a brew whilst I awaited my pals.
It was a good 3/4th of July. After B&J left we packed our bags - ready for the early flight the next day. I miss holidays and vacation.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Odie had her wisdom teeth removed

Oh wait...that was Amy, our daughter who lives in Denver. She had the two un-emerged teeth removed Monday and came through it swimmingly. Fingers crossed no dry sockets ensue. Amy is also just finishing up with Invisiline braces and her teeth look great! Miracles of modern dentistry.

And today Odie, our wiener dog, had her teeth cleaned. It was her first time. She also had a badly sheared tooth removed - I knew that going in. They told me another one was very wiggly so it got yanked too. She's going to be eating canned food for a couple days instead of the usual crunchy stuff. Plus no chewy toys...or GASP no Dingos.

Odie loves Dingo rawhide chewies. She eats one nearly every day when I get home from work. Oh, when the scare came out about dog treats from China, I tried to find a substitute. But there's nothing like telling your dog, "A Dingo Ate My Baby"! It's a line from an old Seinfeld episode...the one where Elaine says that at a cocktail party to get attention. Dingo treats last Odie just the right amount of time. She's hooked on them.

Now after Odie had dental work I'm going to have to give her soft treats for two weeks...but she'll gulp one of those down in scant seconds. The dentist, um veterinarian reported some of Odie's other teeth were a little loose. That's worrisome. I don't suppose I will be able to get her to gargle salt avoid a dry socket.

I'm glad my girls got through their dental procedures. Pearly whites!
Dr. Merk provided this write up of the procedure. Look at those pearly whites!
I picked Odie up early this afternoon. I hope recovery is uneventful. Odie is acting in somewhat dramatic fashion - whimpering periodically and giving me that, "how could you?" look. She does like the canned dog food. Wish me luck! #babydoggy

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Top Ten Vaca Things

Bolder sprinkling

  1. Hanging with my sisters. (and other loved ones) I grew up with these girls, but hell...I didn't appreciate them all that much back then. We had the same parents, but did we really? Susi was born when our parents were 21 years old! I heard a couple good Pat Bullock stories last week (see below, under photos). I sure appreciate 'em now! Funny, smart, great mothers, hard workers. Good genes...
  2. Cannon Beach - the place is a true gem. The zoning rules must be strict  - there are no big box stores or restaurants. All the buildings are quaint.
  3. The beach - it's not over-crowded and is dog friendly. Haystack - the big rock is so awesome. Fred and Joe (names my nephew David gave the smaller rocks) are cool too. And by cool I mean really cool - it doesn't often reach 70 degrees. Bundle up.
  4. Mo's - the restaurant/diner right on the beach. Voted by our group as the place with the best clam chowder.
  5. S'mores. The original kind. While the new larger marshmallows are a good idea in theory - we decided they are hard to cook clear through. Some things are better left alone. Sitting around a campfire with the fam on the beach - nothing better!
  6. Leisure time - vacation with nothing planned. Nada, zero, zip. We did a few things - ice cream at Tillamook, shopping in town. Paul golfed twice. We relaxed a lot. Thanks to Betso for organizing most of the meals.
  7. Customer service - kudos to all the workers in Cannon Beach. Nearly everyone who served us was very nice and helpful. Big tips were their reward.
  8. My cousin Leslie and her husband Bob - for taking time out of their schedules to get together with us. Through the years Leslie - the matriarch of cousins on my mom's side - has always been good about staying in touch. We were able to visit them at their beautiful Astoria condo last Friday.
  9. Another place to lovingly sprinkle Boldie's cremains. So far he's in New England - land of his birth, Moab - where he had fun times with his buddies, and Atlantic - another town he loved. There may be other spots I've missed.
  10. Cindy foos her smore...Paul and Paul cook theirs just right
    Leslie & Bob's Astoria loft
  11. Portland - a funky town that I like spending a bit of time in. Lots of interesting things to see.
do you think our mouths look alike?
Awaiting lunch at the Driftwood in CB - love the flowers everywhere
One of the sunny days on the beach

Pat B. stories - just so you know why I turned out this way...when Cindy was in college she went skiing with her friend Debbie who drove an old Studebaker. It sounded like a wild trip that involved an accident - luckily Cindy's skis survived...and the car was drivable. Unfortunately on the way home the car was dying a slow death. In Lincoln, Nebraska Cindy called Mom. The script. "Hi, it's Cindy. Debbie and I are in Lincoln and her car is dead. Can you come get us?" Mom: "Hell No! Take the bus."

Then - the Betsy story.
Betsy attended college at Creighton University in Omaha where she studied nursing. She lived in the rough part of town - near Creighton. She had some type of clinical visit early one morning and walked out to her car - noticing that the medallion from the front of the car was laying on the ground. She thought to herself...that's weird! Not really when the whole front of her car had been sideswiped and smashed. Un-driveable. She called Mom. "What the hell do you want me to do about it?" our mother asked? Very good question mom - you aren't a auto body mechanic are you...

No helicopter parent there...I believe our mother did call someone at the university at some point to complain about the home visits Betsy had to do by herself in scary places...she knew when to make herself heard. But she wasn't about to rush in and take care of us when we were capable of taking care of ourselves.

Today's kids need more Pat Bullocks. It's hard to let your children (no matter how old they are) suffer through what life throws at them. But look how my sissies turned out!

Monday, July 14, 2014

The commuter got out the map

We traveled afar my friends. All the way to Pacific time. Yes the left coast....right up my alley some might say - Oregon, where greenies run rampant. It's 2014 ya'll time for the Bullock Girls family reunion in Cannon Beach - about 1.5 hours (in good traffic) west of Portland.

It's our 4th time there. Sister Betso and family go every year. The first year we traveled there was 2002. Dad was married to Pat2 and they were there. I believe all of our worldly cousins were there - on both sides of our family. My mother's sister, Aunt Dorothy made the trip. We hadn't seen her for years and she didn't travel much - so it was a rare treat. On Dad's side our beloved Aunties and Uncles - Marty and Bill, Bruce and Jean.
Kids - Cannon Beach 2002 Adorable!

The cousins - all of our children bonded once again. I love how despite the age difference - niece Leslie will be (gulp) 30 this week! And Baby David (he'll always be called that) is 16. Our kids got to hang out with my cousins' kids too. Family lovin!

2002 - group shot
The next time we were able to go it was 2008 - after Dad's death. It was a great time, though this time it was mostly just our immediate family. Jud was a college kid and what was Amy up to? She had just graduated from college and was on her was to working for the Dems. Leslie and Jordan were there, but no Colby-monster. He was busy with an internship - cooking in Vail. The husbands - Jim, Bolder and Paul discovered Warren House - the bestest bar evah.

In 2010 Alvillars put on a big wingding in Los Angeles - Leslie and Jordan Lopez's wedding. So we missed that year - in a good way. We met Cindy and Bolder a few days early and checked out the city.

In 2012 we stayed in the coolest house - so close to the beach and right across from Betsy's place. She liked it so well she snagged it last year and this year. Our children and Jud's gf Kara were able to come that year which was really nice, but no Lopezs or Jordie Alvillar. Susi's husband Jim didn't even make it - he was tied up with a trial, so Susi brought a friend. Bolder, Cindo's hubbie had such fun stalking the area tasting clam chowder.  He brought his Pope Hat along to help celebrate Betso's 50th birthday better...he taught Paul to drink martinis and make friends with bartenders. Later that year, sadly, he lost his battle with prostate cancer.

That brings us to this year - 2014. Our kids were busy, so it was only the Kohan children that were "in". Bets and Wayne had snagged the good place. Susi took it upon herself to find a house for the rest of us. We ended up at the rustic "Judy's House" - it was clean and served our purposes. We think Judy got her furniture at a yard sale. In the 1970's.
With our cousin Leslie

Cindy's friend Bonnie Pottorff decided to join us as a 5th sis. She's fun to hang with and loves to walk, so she fit right in. Poor sister Suso wasn't up for walking - she has a stress fracture in her foot and is in a boot. More about the week later. Suffice it to say - "a good time was had by all". I love my family. #luckygirl

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Get out the map

I was on a Northwest Iowa road trip for work yesterday. Other staffers and I typically "group up" when doing longer trips like that one. That way we are more efficient using state cars. I rode along with Scott and Dennis from my section at DNR.

First we stopped in Pocahontas - a place where a couple Crestonians (our former hometown) are from. Dennis - the new guy to our workplace had printed out Google Maps and they were no help whatsoever. Thank goodness Governor Terry Brandstad provided a map with his photo on it in the state car we drove. Between the map and my smart phone we got around fine. I'm a much better co-pilot than driver who is supposed to be navigating. (Get Out the Map - by Indigo Girls is a good song).

I thought of Syd Hudek as we pulled into downtown. It's a pretty decent main street for a small town. We were looking at an abandoned building that the city will received grant funds to refurbish. Scott is in charge of the program that manages the Derelict Building grant funds. The goal is to keep old buildings out of Iowa's landfills. This building, originally the home of IOOF (Odd Fellows), is chock full of junk. Appliances, tanks, batteries, paint. Anything decent appears to have been taken. The owner walked away and is deeding it to Poky (that's what the locals call it). So it will be their problem. They want to get a new roof on it so the building doesn't collapse on the Ford dealership next door.
someone painted these murals on the building
the stairs were treacherous

We stopped at the landfill in Sheldon (I need to see "my people") and made another stop to see a grant project in that town at the City Hall.

It was a good trip, but a long drive back to DSM. I was glad we were able to pull the USA soccer game on the radio. What an effort by the Americans. I would have loved to hear GOAL!!! One more time for the US - taking us to penalty kicks. Good showing by the good guys though.