Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Facebook Anniversary

My Facebook Anniversary film says I've been on FB since 2008.

In honor of FB's 10th anniversary Facebook put together little video (with music no less) slide show of some of the pics and posts from my timeline. (They did this for everyone evidently). My pal Mary Morman-Graham mentioned that hers made her think of something that might be played at her funeral...I do think they might have selected spunkier music.
Homecoming princess

Facebook didn't quite get it right on my history though. They missed my "Amy" stalking years. You see when my kiddo went off to college in 2004 I felt so left out of her life. When she was in high school, her activities kept us very busy. It's not like we were best friends, but I did like participating in her life. And I'd heard of this new thing for college kids (back then you needed a .edu email address) - Facebook.

Amy felt sorry for me. She clued me in on her FB password and I began my secret life in Amy's inner circle. I had to promise not to read her messages, but other than that, FB provided me a fantastic bridge into the world of the college student.
This is what FB looked like in 2004 - but it's obviously NOT Amy's...

I only posted as Amy a couple times - as a joke - just messing with her social life a little. I don't even remember what I did but it WAS funny. Sometimes I saw some very eye opening posts I must say. But I was operating in the "dome of silence" - unless it would have been something life or health threatening.
Amy's HS peeps - they were a class ahead of her
FB helped me keep up on kids from Amy's high school - where were they now? Who were they dating? Was she keeping in touch with them? I missed some of them - was used to seeing them from high school sports and social events. I kept up on who was dating whom and who broke up.

Through this new "Social Media" medium I was also able to "meet" Amy's new friends. So when she talked about people I could look them up - where were they from? What were their posts like? Did they seem nice? Were they cute?
Amy and college pal Brian - and yes I knew all about him...

Was I obsessed with FB? No, I still had my own exciting life in Creston - I was busy with Jud's sports activities and my job at Prairie Solid Waste Agency. Paul and I had season football tickets and saw Amy fairly frequently in person. She had the usual college drama - short term boyfriends, roommates and classes.

In 2008, Facebook and I had both grown up. FB had opened up availability to others (besides .edu emails) by then. So I finally started by own identity! I still tried to keep up on Amy - she was a college senior. That was confusing! I found myself posting stuff on her page, thinking I was on mine. Bad Mommy! So I eventually quit accessing Amy's FB. We are FB friends though - AND I'm friends with some of her college pals! They keep their pages so boring these days...sigh.
darling boy - what's not to like?

When I started my own FB page, I learned how to post photos to it - and put some scanned baby/child photos of the children on there. Jud was in college. Shortly I received a text from my son, "I am NOT your friend any more". I assumed he meant on FB. Aww who wouldn't like those cute baby pics posted - all the chicks would dig those right? He had "unfriended" me. I learned not to "tag" photos. Jud has become less sensitive since then - and I have learned to be more sensitive about what people might like or not like to have tagged. We're friends once again.

Of course my fam has their lives bared for all to see here in this now they're used to it! I don't know what will be next after Facebook - but I thank Mark Zuckerberg et al for inventing this vehicle. It keeps me up on friends' lives, has put me in touch with old friends, family that I wouldn't otherwise hear from so regularly and peeps that I know in other ways. It gives me a way to save my photos. Especially since I started commuting and then after we moved away from Creston. I like it.

I don't like the games so as long as they give me a way to turn those off - yay. Bravo Facebook - you are what we make of you. I do have concerns about privacy, but so far the benefits outweigh those. Please don't screw it up.

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