Monday, February 17, 2014

Paint Gene and my funny Valentine friends

I didn't get it. The art gene I mean. My grandfather had it. Though you never would have known it to look at him or talk to him. He was kind of a crusty quiet guy as I remember - though I was his young granddaughter. So I didn't know him to chat.

After he retired, my grandfather, Wally, (Wallace Bullock) decided to take oil painting lessons in Omaha with his pal Louis Reinig. He turned out to be pretty good! He did his first pic for my sister Susi. Somehow I ended up with it. It's pretty basic - but is historical - and that's why I love it. So maybe there is still hope for me. Bub received awards in local art shows with his paintings - Mom and Dad had several. I chose this southern landscape.
My Aunt Marty is also a good artist. She has done pottery and painted a cute table - nothing along the more classical lines like her father that I know of. She did serve as a docent for the Denver Museum of Art and loves to collect pieces from around the world.

My sister Cindy was the "artsy" sister in our fam, no thanks to Mrs. Nebola the AHS art teacher. I was always so jealous at how easily she whipped up drawings of people. It was a struggle for me, second nature to her. Cindy attended Drake University, graduating in Art Education. Of course she headed right out to Vail,  Colorado after college graduation - refusing to teach art in Bumf#%@, Iowa. She produced some great pieces during her school years - paintings, jewelry and pottery. Lots of talent, my sis.

And then there's our baby girl, Amy Elizabeth. She was practically born drawing. When the local newspaper asked each Kindergartener what they wanted to be when they grew up, she said artist. She nailed it! In 3rd grade when other kids were stressing about poster content during educational fairs, Amy would add that flair to her posters to make sure they "popped". She made the font readable.

Yesterday I had an opportunity to paint. Flop. I do have my creative side...really! But it doesn't seem to involve acrylic paint. Bobbie asked me to go with her and Joan to a place called Social Canvas in Waukee. The place was full - canvas, liquor, paint what's not to like? I wasn't wild about the design but we moved right along - I'm not creative enough to come up with my own design. I'll be the first to admit it - I'm a copy cat!

I nursed a Stella Artois beer and was sad that I had to be so involved in my painting - so I really didn't have time to chat with Bobbie and my former roomie (landlady really) Joan. It took about 2 hours start to finish - $35. I'd like to go again sometime, but would check on the design first. I'm not a "words" person.
Bobbie, left, Joan in the middle - is Bobbie's husband Jeff's sis.
Couldn't go with Live Love Laugh...wish my flower was bigger - just had to go so fast! Are my dots shaped like a kayak? love my pals and like laughing with them!

That night our friends Jane Ertl and Ken Root came over for Chili. It was great to see them - we chatted and watched the Olympics.
Odie keeps Jane's lap warm
Paul gave Ken one of his shed antlers for a knife hilt - can't wait to see the finished product!
Today Mother Nature let it be known that she's going through "the change". First, rain and 26 degrees. Paul was off due to the Prez Day holiday, so I commuted by myself - icy side streets but the Freeway was okay. After I reached work - where it was misting, it started snowing to beat the band - around 2 inches of wet stuff.

I'd gotten a text from my buddy Julia Hoilien - in town from Boulder on a $100ish airline ticket. She's got longtime friends up near Ames. We'd decided to do an early lunch before her flight home and I asked Jane Ertl who was still in town as Ken had an MCing gig (he's a radio dude -he's got a great radio voice) that day. We went to Smokey Roe for an early lunch together - a delightful time!

I'm the luckiest girl to have such wonderful people in my life. What a great Valentines weekend.
Yessir - that's my buddy! Love my Jules - we've become such good friends
Have known this kiddo since sophomore year in college - love and admire her greatly!

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