Sunday, October 6, 2013

Just like that - gone again!

Amy took off this morning after a few days at home. We had a good time - as usual, during her visit. I wish Jud could have come too - but he's been running himself ragged traveling. Today he takes off for Virginia for a few days for work. So it didn't work out to get the whole fam together. ;>(.

Yesterday we kinda dragged Amy out of bed early, though she said she automatically wakes up anyway. We treated her to breakfast at the Waveland Café - a place she'd not visited before. We secured the last three spots at the counter. She liked it of course. Who wouldn't? Unless you're a big fan of expensive chains like Perkins. Hey - I like Perkins too. But I have a weakness for joints like this! The waitresses call everyone "Hon", the wall paintings are sweet and the political signatures and the wall are impressive. Not to mention the window paintings!
Check the chicken eating chicken - above it says "Dude that's just wrong"

Next, we stopped at the Farmer's Market - though not for too long because it was darn chilly! Amy has discovered a new love - Dutch Letters! Flakey pastry with almond paste filling. Yum. We picked up more of that excellent bacon too, along with tomatoes and green beans.

On our drive home, she texted her pal Kelli Behr Hoskins who lives in Minneapolis - only to discover Kel was on her way to DSM for a wedding! A bit later we drove back downtown to see Kelli and Toby - newly married in June. How fun and random is that!?! I spoke to Kelli's mama (my college roomie Vicki) in the meantime. We got caught up - since we haven't talked since Kelli's wedding.
lifelong pals - Amy and Kelli

Last night we hit the Cheesecake Factory. I know - it's a chain. But it's close and we had a good waitress. she even brought a crew over to sing Happy Birthday to Amy, despite the fact that Cheesecake doesn't usually do that. Good thing they didn't know that Amy's bday isn't until the 14th! Amy's friend Rachelle came with us. Those two are always funny - laughing about hijinx from the past.
Rachelle and Amy

Today is a drizzly, catch up kinda day. I should go pack for my trip to Council Bluffs tomorrow - the annual Recycling and Solid Waste Conference. Looking forward to seeing the trash peeps! Paul will get some more hunting in. And painting! Let's hope congress comes up with something so he can get back to work this week.


Anonymous said...

Les, I am totally serious, if you guys ever wander out this way I will show you the good beaches known only to long time resdents! Enjoy your blog!

lgold said...

Looks like we have a bit in common Lindini! We have a nephew out your way, and would like to get out there someday. What gov do you work in? Hope you're essential!