Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bolder is now present in another place he loved

On Sunday, we headed west - to the place of Cindy's and my birth, Atlantic, Iowa. We headed right to the cemetery - where the Bullock stone marks the resting place of many a family member, five generations - skipping my generation (thank goodness) to our baby boy Patrick. The Atlantic cemetery doesn't spend much time on making sure the grass is growing better than weeds...if we lived there we could take better care of it, but it's not possible this far away.

When Cindy's beloved husband Brian (Bolder) Lefebvre passed away last November 11th, he was cremated. They must have used a different type of process than I've seen before, as he looked a lot like sand in the ziplock Cindo had him in. Planning ahead, Bolder was split 4 ways. His buddies took one bag back to Moab, Utah this spring on their annual golf trip. They so enjoyed having Boldie along as the executive chef on the trip each year.
I think I got a little Bolder power on my tongue...
Patrick's headstone - maybe Bolder will help the grass grow
It was a beautiful morning, and there was a  light breeze as my sister began sprinkling Bolder's ashes around the special graves of our loved ones. I tried to remain upbeat, and not cry. This has been so tough - and Cindy has been such a strong, brave woman. I mean she doesn't have a choice - but what life has thrown at her, she has handled with guts and grace.

We drove through the cemetery a bit on our way out - and saw the stones of a few old friends. Bev and Eddie Freese - the best neighbors to name two. Then we were on our way to cruise through town and show our guest Bonnie - who is from upstate New York - the A-town sights. Our home at 202 Crombie - which looks like shit! I think the Clampets moved in. The schools - Washington, the new and old high school, our grandparents house and downtown. Bonnie was duly impressed.

Then we headed to Kay and Ted Wickman's home for lunch. Kay was our father's "friend". Girlfriend sounds inadequate. Companion? Live-in? Anyway - they were together until he died. We were so fortunate that he had scoped her out at the drive-in at the bank, and had asked Kay out on a date before he had his stroke in 2003. Kay visited him as he recovered and when he went home from the assisted living place, she moved in to help him. The rest is Dad/Kay history, thank goodness! They had fun traveling to Florida and kept busy with family - hers and ours. And then Dad died too soon, and we were all very sad.

Kay missed Dad a lot - I think she still does. But life goes on. Ted and Ann Wickman were friends of my parents. Ted's a farmer, and he always seemed like an odd match for Ann who was rather brilliant and refined. Ted is not refined. Their son Kirk is my age and is a great guy! I'm FB friends with son Charlie - he's around Betso's age. Ann became sick, and passed away after a somewhat long illness - she died not long before Dad, I think.
Kay and Ted

Ted was lonely, Kay was lonely - they got together after their partners died. Why waste time being lonely? We are happy for them! And it was so nice of Kay to invite us over. They live in my friend Sally Rodger's former home. Her brother-in-law Dan designed it for two of my fave peeps - her parents, Wayne and Anna Day. Kay and Ted bought the home after they were married. At lunch that day, we had a lovely lunch of chicken salad sannies, and peach cobbler. The Wickmans put a pool in behind the house - such a pretty view from there! It was nice to see them.

Soon it was time to head out - to where? The antique mecca of the western world - Walnut, Iowa! And little did we know, it was the very special Antique Walk weekend. Jackpot! It was hot by then...and we rounded the corner to town and saw all those people with tables set up - full of you guessed it. Junk. Um, I mean fabulous antiques.  
On the brick main street

They had Prince Albert in a can - and I don't think they're letting him out...

Inside at this store I bought a little wood rooster that looks great on top of my kitchen cupboards. They were out of $1s so I got the $18 item for $15. Can you say BARGAIN!
Cindo found a couple items for the small deck outside the master bedroom at her Vail home. A little metal rack and a tin ceiling tile. Bonnie selected a bird similar to mine. We ran into Atlantic friends - Dr. John and Mary Weresh. Paul recognized them - that guy has an eye for people, I tell ya! We chatted with them briefly - nice folks. Then we made the trek back to West Des Moines.

That night Paul grilled rib eye steaks for the visitors. They loved that Iowa cornfed flavor. Fareway makes great twice baked potatoes too - and we served those suckers, but I did fess up that I didn't make them. It was Father's Day so our Daisy Driver got his angel food cake and fab fresh strawberries that Cindy had masticated (or some fancy cooking word).

In the a.m. we walked a couple miles and went to the local dive for breakfast. Cindy loved the hashbrowns - they reminded her of the ones Coral used to make at the Atlantic Golf and Country Club. That afternoon we went to the dumbest movie ever made - yes, it was my choice. Don't see "This is The End". I must admit - I laughed a lot - at the movie not with it. Bad!

That night we took Cindy and Bonnie to Jethro's in Waukee. We love the wings there. After we ate - we drove by my old roomie, Joan's place in that town. Guess who was planting flowers out front? Joanie - who I was lucky enough to live with for the past 4 years, until last October. We pulled into the driveway so Cindy could meet her and they gave each other a big hug! That warmed my heart - the two had heard of each other, and therefore, my beloved friends were de facto friends. So cool. I need to get together with Joan soon.

I hated to say goodbye to our Colorado roommates early the next morning. I can't wait to see them for Christmas! I wish I could hang out with them more. Thanks for coming to Des Moines! It was fun.

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