Back to me. My cousin Amy Lamm Brownlee's daughter Kate graduated from Cherry Creek HS last week. Her reception was Sunday morning - how convenient, since we were in Denver to see our Amy and attend niece Leslie's baby shower. It was nice to see my cuz Richard - his nose was a bit out of joint since he wasn't invited to the baby shower. (Gurlz Only) Marty and Bill recently moved - so we'll have to check out their new place when we come back for Christmas. This trip we all stayed at the Marriott. Brownlees and fam were busy entertaining their guests so we soon said goodbye, leaving them to celebrate with their grad.
After the party, we headed to Vail, stayed at Cindo's and had a chance to shop at the fab store in Edwards, Ptarmigan. Amy got the perfect bag for her travels in South and Central America. That night we were invited to eat a delicioso meal at Bonnie and Eric's - barbecued ribs and chicken. Bonnie's potato salad was bueno too. Eric has been re-doing their master bathroom, tiling it himself - very nice. Wine guy Frank was there too. Fun hanging with those guys in the summer. Bonnie will be coming to DSM with Cindo in a couple weeks - her first trip to Iowa so we'll need to put out the red carpet.
Two beautiful women - graduate Kate Brownlee, and my Auntie Martha |
Susi's pal Debbie, Jordie's honey Westy (making a face) and the Jordo |
Pablo, Amy and mamma Leslie |
Uncle Bill chats with Susi |
We dropped Amy off in Denver early Monday a.m. and loaded her desk up in our car. Paul made it for her out of oak when she was in college - now the top has cracked, most likely due to the dry Colorado climate. Paul will work his magic on it.
We listened to "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" during the trip. I bought it at a book sale, as I enjoyed it so when I was commuting. Paul liked the movie, and the book is 16+ hours, just right for this trip. The reader really brings the characters to life.
Tomorrow our recycled plastic deck furniture is scheduled to be delivered. Finally! Now we can finally invite guests over for drinks on and deck. I'm excited. Tonight as we walked off the deck to take Odie for a walk, Creston's Kyle McCann (former Hawkeye QB) and wife Maggie with their 2 daughters were walking by across the street. Paul called to them and we walked along for a bit as their girls rode bikes. We're Neighbors!