Monday, May 20, 2013

Great Auntie

I know I'm a great auntie...but now I'm really going to be one. And the little bambino will have Bullock blood in his veins. It's so exciting!

Paul and I have wonderful nieces and nephews - from his oldest nephew Tom, who has to be closing in on 50 years of age to my youngest nephew David who is 15. On Paul's side we have lots of great nieces and and nephews too. The oldest graduated from college already! And there is another on the way in Kansas City.

Susi's step son David (who has been a part of our fam since he was three) and his wife Ashley had a son, Jonah a year ago. He's adorable. My niece Jordan keeps me updated with photos and videos - he just started walking.

Not too long after the sadness of my brother-in-law Bolder's death due to prostate cancer that went viral, my niece Leslie and her husband Jordan announced they were expecting. You may recall their fabulous wedding in Pasadena where they live. I blogged about it. (My life is an open blog) Amy was a bridesmaid, and many of my relatives were there. We had such fun in Santa Monica with Cindo and Bolder and Amy before the big day too.

I won't ever forget when Leslie was born (July 17 - she had been due on the 10th) - it was a highlight in my life, a year before my own special daughter Amy was born, a month before Cindy got married. Paul and I were married and living in Osage, Iowa at the time, but I was traveling Monday through Friday in Wisconsin - flying out each week from Mason City on a prop airplane to Minneapolis and changing planes to fly to Green Bay. I was in my hotel bed when Dad called to say "It's a girl! Leslie Patricia." The first grandchild. Special Special as Alberta Foster used to say on Creston Radio.

Leslie married a great guy in Jordan Lopez, and now he's going to be a great daddy. I don't think he'll be there this weekend when we get together in Denver for a baby shower for my niece. Amy, Jordan and sister Susan are hosting it at a tea room there. Sister Cindy, Aunt Marty and my cousin Amy will be there, along with other friends of Susi's and Leslie's. I can't wait to hug that little momma and the rest of my family.

My heart goes out to Moore, Oklahoma - hit by a twister. Children were killed at school - how tragic. Is there no end to tragedies this year?

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