Saturday, May 11, 2013


I know...I detest the "ette" thing. But I wanted to express my feelings in just one word, and that did it.

Just like Pinochio became a real boy. It's happened to me. As I did errands yesterday, I came to the conclusion - much to my lament - that I've become such a real girl. Not as girlie as my sis Betso, but pretty girlie just the same. Look at me getting my toenails done.

I'm will have to break down and have my fingernails done too, as stress from grieving (darn you Dad and Bolder) have done numbers on my thumbnails. They split, and just won't grow out right. They they snag on everything - I can't stand it. I need to have a professional show me how to shape them, and cover with clear polish. I'm not THAT girlie - no colored fingernail polish for me!
No flowers this time - just lines!

I never thought that would happen. I think it's been the Des Moines influence. When I started working up here, and after the kids graduated. That's when I stopped spending my time on them (it's all about me now, uh huh). Plus I purchased a bit of makeup after the pedi - no not the department store kind, I'm not going that far. I make these kinds of purchases when Paul isn't with me. He still isn't used to "new" Leslie and is amazed at the prices of all the girlie accessories.

I now get my hair "styled" instead of cut, and actually use a blow dryer and a flat iron - though not very well. No seriously ugly gray brown for me! If only it were a pretty gray like others get. So nature isn't taking its course anytime soon for this girl. Chemical enhancement is my friend.

And there is my shoe/purse jones. I must have always had this inside me - but I held it in while we purchased countless sports shoes each season for Amy and Jud (basketball, football, volleyball, softball/baseball) plus school shoes for them. I am thrifty about my "shoe thing" and get really good deals. I watch for sales, and love Marshalls. Paul just can't believe one person should have several pair of loafers, sandals, etc. (He didn't think he married a girl like this...) I still don't hold a candle to many gals. And I still love my comfy shoes best. He's been a pretty good sport about it - because he has a hunting equipment jones...

Paul and I rode our bikes on the WDM bike trail Tuesday night, turning south on the trail near Jordan Creek School. We ended up at West Glen.

Near West Glen - new homes
Last night I went for a walk with a new friend, Pam. She works for NRCS - Paul has known her for many years. In fact she was at our baby Patrick's funeral. But I didn't really know her until now. We went for a walk around Raccoon River Lake on Grand - it was a beautiful afternoon and lots of people were out and about. It's nice to get to know someone new - and to find a new place to go. I'd been to the event center there before, but didn't know about the trail, and didn't really look at the lake before. Pablo and I will have to get the kayaks out on that lake!

When I got home Paul and I went to our hangout - Legends on Ashworth. I feel comfy there. It's not too plush and new (like me). I took a couple photos with my new phone - yep, I got the Samsung 4G. I am most excited about the camera capabilities. You know how I like to take pics!
Sirloin special - $12.99 - very tasty! Martini not bad either
The place was busy at 7pm but no waiting - that's what I like!

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