Sunday, April 28, 2013

The weather gods finally smiled this weekend

Pablo and I took advantage of the good weather by getting up early. Okay we're old. We can't sleep late. We were up and at it by 6:30 a.m. Saturday after a quiet Friday night. (the NFL Draft was still on ESPN, duhhh - of course we'd be close by the television). We did get a short bike ride in that night though. My new bike Whitey has now been renamed. My friend Mary talked me into it. Her name is now Albie (Short for Albino). Mary thought Whitey was boring. She performed admirably. Paul helped me get my new helmet adjusted just right.

Saturday bright and early we wanted to go to our fave breakfast place - Waveland Cafe. But we were afraid Lolo Jones and her posse, or other Drake Relays folks might be taking up all the booths. So we decided to check out the new Cozy Cafe that just went in where the West End Diner was near Valley West Mall. They were right - the pancakes, flavored with cinnamon are yummy. The prices are more like Perkins than Waveland. We will go back - it was good. The bacon was thick and chewy and the eggs were fine.

At the Cozy Cafe
Next we were off to Earl May on 22nd Street to pick up plants and a pot to put 'em in for the front of our new home. There were so many to pick from! Today we've decided we need to go back and get another one to go with it.
loading up at E.M.
We headed to Ramsey Subaru to wash my car next - Paul had plans to wax both of his car and mine. Next we stopped at Fareway for groceries. We liked to purchase meat at that store. They had some prepared shish kabobs - we got chicken and beef for that night. There were a couple more stops after that - PetSmart and HyVee for carwax. I know - it was a busy morning!

By the time we got home, it was pretty nice out! I got to clean inside and Pablo started on el carros. I snuck in a little deck time.

Our new deck isn't as peaceful as the Creston place, but I'm glad there is a park across the street
I even helped Paul wax his car. Big of me, huh!?! He took care of my car very nicely. I did vacuum his floors in the house though...and washed his towels. Later, we took another bike ride - just over 4 miles, according to the little thingy Paul had Bike World install on Albie. The kabobs were good!

We ran one more errand that evening - to Target. I talked Paul into stopping and Menchies on the way home. It's a frozen yogurt place off of 50th and EP True - you serve yourself and pay for what your stuff weighs. It was delish!

Today we went to early church. The church bulletin informed us that Father George Komo is overjoyed to report that he has received his 10 year green card. He's been in limbo for a couple years on that - sending documents in as requested, not able to visit his siblings in Kenya for fear he wouldn't be able to get back into the states. How cool is that. He's a very nice man and priest.

Later this morning, we headed to Creston to kayak with pal Debbie. I don't say this casually - because this my first time kayaking since sometime in 2011 - September? That is because of last year's unfortunate shoulder problems, combined with the crappy drought. It was a little breezy - so 12 Mile Lake was a little choppy, but it was still a great outing. Deb and I talked non-stop. Paul wet a line (that's fishing talk) without much success.

My shoulder did well - thanks to all those doctors and rehab people who helped me through! (fingers crossed on how my whole body feels tomorrow after this weekend of activities). I'm tired tonight - in a really good way. It's a good thing...because the weather is going to go downhill again soon. Here's to more sunny Iowa days soon.
Pablo - ready to fish
Heading into the backwater


amy e. goldsmith said...

I agree--Albie is a better name, more clever. And did Odie grow white spots?

lgold said...

She has a gray beard but no white spots - just the way the sun shines on her coat.

lgold said...
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