I heart this group |
I scoffed at all of you who shed tears when your little ones went off to Kindergarten. When you told me you cried all the way home from dropping your young 'en off for their big college adventure, I was secretly smug. What's the big deal? Sure, I found it a bit unsettling when I no longer needed to purchase Pop-Tarts at Fareway after Jud left for ISU. Still, my steely heart didn't crack. I enjoyed my newfound empty nest status. I went off to an exciting new job in Des Moines.
Our kids were doing what they were supposed to - growing up. Much like my own mother, I have not allowed myself to be very sentimental when our children hit those milestones. Happy for them and for me. Amy and Jud were ready for new challenges, and I didn't miss trying to keep them entertained at home. Win, win.
Imagine my surprise when the funk recently hit! Yep, I'm having my Kindergarten moment now. Each child is married and they are off on their own life's path. They have been heading that way for a long time - so I don't know why it's just hitting me now. Amy's marriage? All of their general good career paths? Home purchases? Turning 60? I'm not sure if there is any one thing that has set me off.
I guess I have some work to do. I'm asking myself - what is my purpose now? I'm still working and enjoy what I do, but am not exactly in the rising star portion of my career. It's somewhat freeing! I'm looking for volunteer opportunities. I'll write more about that later after I pass all my entrance exams. I'm on the lookout for more hobbies. Writing this blog is one outlet, my word jones. Thanks for reading and for your comments.
I'll work through my funk - just like you all did on that Kindergarten thing! Just wanted to share.
On to other things:
We had quite a weekend October 14th! It was a wet and soggy ISU victory over Kansas with our longtime (notice I didn't say old) friends. What a great crew! Paul met Mike and Tom in his first months of being a college student. Paul was a farm kid who didn't have many close hometown friends. He bonded with those two from the start. All these years later, their annual pheasant hunting trips have strengthened their bond.
Peace Tree - East Village |
I enjoyed getting to know their wives Paula and Shirley better on that Friday night as we ventured downtown to visit the East Village - Peace Tree Brewery and the Republic bar overlooking DSM. Hustons live outside of LaCrosse and Sullivans in the NYC area. It's fun showing off our city!
Mike, Shirley, Tom, Paula |
On Saturday, the rain came down early - so we delayed heading to Ames and ate our breakfast burritos right in our kitchen. Our friends Moose and Kay stopped by, so we had a house full, along with our overnight guests. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate. Our friends prepared like former scouts with rain gear for the ISU game. Once there, we were joined by our usual tailgating pals plus Behrs and Jaime Wilt and fiance Mike. We were able to swig down a beer before heading into the game.
Tents are a good thing! |
We don't care about no stinkin' rain delay! |
The rain stopped during the game. Mostly. Thanks, Paul Goldsmith for loaning me your camo rain pants.In keeping with tradition, wineskins made the game go by quickly. The Cyclones didn't give us cause for sorrowful drinks! I like this new, improved team. Post-game rain drove us to the motel where our pal Jane Flack appeared. Yay!
We took over the motel kitchen nook watched football games and chatted. When you meet friends in college, you don't have an idea just what political persuasion everyone will be. Hell, as I've stated before, I didn't even know what I would be. It was interesting discussing topics of the day and hearing areas of agreement and disagreement - without a civil war breaking out. Several of our friends own small businesses, so they have a different perspective than someone like me who has worked for others all of my life and most recently as a public servant.
I wish more people could step beyond their safety zones and exchange thoughts and ideas on these topics in mixed company. I believe we'd find that we have many shared goals - unlike what politicians and some of the media would like us to believe. Labels (liberal - which many use as almost as a slur, and conservative the same on the other side) are easy to slap on someone or a group, but do a disservice. I'm much more complicated than one label. I bet you are too.
On Sunday, a few of us took a spin through campus to reminisce and note how many new buildings ISU is putting up to meet today's student's needs. I love my university - and hope the new president is a great one! We even drove by 230 Campus Avenue - that fateful apartment where Paul and I met. Good memories. No Ames trip is complete without a meal at Hickory Park, with ice cream. The whole weekend had a cherry on it.
Food selection at Hickory Park is important work |
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