Sunday, September 6, 2015

Good discussion

I finally broke through and attended a Reading Discussion Group last week. My first since my Creston days, though I've missed this activity a great deal. Especially when I talk to others who are in groups - hearing about the books they are reading. Comments like, "Nope, I can't make it that night, I have book club and we're taking treats and drinking wine!" Jealousy is my name when I hear that.

I miss the Book Chicks - the club I was once a part of in Creston. Many years ago my pal Deb and I decided we needed to start a club - so I stuck a sign up at Matilda Gibson Public Library asking people to email me if they were interested. I had picked a book, and one of the potential participants offered to host! That was the start of our little group.
Thea's House in Creston - many stories told here

The group ebbed and flowed through the years, but it was anchored by Deb, me and Thea - the eternal hostess who lived in a fabulous brick home on the north side of town with a pool in the back. Thea had a couple "girls", her dogs who would greet us at the door. Peaches was huge, but very friendly. I met so many awesome women during that time - some that had lived in Creston for a long time and others who were new to town. Some of them stayed in the group for many years and others found that it didn't fit their schedules or they couldn't keep up with the reading. Or they didn't like us! haha

Deb with Thea

We met monthly. I sure looked forward to those meetings - even when I didn't really like the month's book. Every member could suggest titles, and Sue, the librarian would obtain copies of the books for all of us through Inter-library loan at a fee of $1. It was a great system.

The discussion/therapy sessions were classic. Some meetings left me chuckling for nights afterward. Most books came with prepared discussion questions and I tried to make sure everyone had a chance to share her (we never did attract any guys) thoughts and opinions. We often veered off the trail and into more personal topics/politics and our work and everyday lives. I really got to know these women and remain friends and Facebook friends with many of them today.

It was a sad day when lovely Thea let us know that she was ill with cancer. I blogged about her before - as she became such a good friend through our mutual love of books. Thea passed away in 2012 and I sure miss her and think about her often.

Our book club tried to carry on during Thea's illness and after her death - but we lost our steam. I was commuting back and forth and getting ready to move to DSM in 2012. The Book Chicks stopped meeting and I was without a club in a new city.

I kind of went into mourning - like when your dog dies. I wasn't ready to adopt a new one. It took a long time. Oh I'd listen to others talk about theirs. Then I'd look at books clubs were reading. I was getting ready. Finally, last month I noticed that the West Des Moines Library offered a title and a September 1st meeting date for their discussion group. I decided to go.

I had to laugh when the date came around and I noticed that on my work calendar it popped up as "Adult Book Discussion Group". I must have typed in like that because the library also has Kids groups. Yet it did make it sound a bit spicier than the book - "A Land More Kind Than Home"
which I purchased and read on my Nook. The book was not my usual genre and it was depressing - but I slogged my way through it. So I could discuss it with the adults!

I arrived at the WDM Library last Tuesday at the appointed time - joined by around 18 other women (most guys aren't into book club evidently). A librarian was in charge. Most of the women were longtime attendees and were exchanging pleasantries before the meetings. I was the new kid.

To discuss the book, we went around the table - the meeting was in a small room on the second floor - introducing ourselves and stating if we liked the book and why/not. As about the 12th speaker, I didn't have a lot new to add. Once we made it through everyone there was more wide open discussion. The differing opinions on the book amazed me. One person found humor in it. What? It was about death and destruction - an evil pastor who killed people in the name of God. But I enjoyed the discussion and just having an outlet like that again - though I couldn't let swear words slip out and there was no liquor'll do. One gal did bring chocolate!

The librarian (I'm terrible with names) gave us next month's book. I will be glad to go. Here's to you Thea, and other friends from Book Chicks! I miss you all.

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