Wednesday, September 9, 2015


We saw a sign on the corner of 50th and Ashworth on our way home from work today - "Learn to Play Piano". Paul told me it would be a good way for me to earn money too - to teach kids to play piano. That would be swell if they only wanted to know how to play part of "Skip To My Lou". I don't think their parents would spring for the big bucks for that.

It is pretty impressive that Mary Lou Sandhorst taught me that song long ago and I still know how to play (part) of it. Three whole years of tickling the ivory keys. I know I didn't practice much - despite Mom's harping. Each week I'd ride my bike to the Sandhorst home, just a few blocks from ours - where I'd assault the ears of the Sandhorst family. Our wiener dog Jud would follow me over and hang around in the neighborhood while I had my lesson.

When I hit sixth grade, Mom gave up and I finally was able to quit piano lessons. We were all relieved - Mom, Mrs. S and me. A few of my friends kept playing and later I found that I was a bit jealous of them - their skill. Good job Candice and Chris and all you others who stuck with it.

Fast forward years later. I'm a parent. Daughter Amy decided piano might be nice to play. She started on a keyboard - fed by several sized D batteries. That worked for a bit - but it didn't cut it once she got a little more sophisticated. Hmmm. We needed a real piano - but how? That's where Creston Radio's Trading Post came to the rescue. Someone had a FREE piano down by Diagonal - it just had to be collected.
Not our "barn" piano - but similar, except these ivories are better

Paul, Steve and Jeff were on it. It was in the barn - complete with bird poop. Not every key had ivory and grime abounded. We did our best to clean it up and it cost $60 to get the thing tuned. Then I had the bright idea to sponge paint it - that was big then. Cream for the base - with dusty rose and a country blue. How very 90's! Still, it did look cheery. And oh how she played it! "I'll Be There For You" the Friends theme was a fave.

Maybe someday Amy can give piano lessons - teaching kids that song. haha

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