Monday, August 19, 2013

On the Pontoooon (in a singing manner)

We got a wee bit 'o work done Saturday morning. Al wanted his Sea-doo out of the water, and Jeff volunteered to ride it around to the nearest dock. What a nice man! Paul and Lucy cooked breakfast (see below). It held us until supper - rib sticking good!
I think she's singing along with her CD...
Bobbie made us each a CD of floating on the boat tunes! We sat on Don and Dee's new (for them) pontoon Saturday listening to it on a quiet cove (not a crazy party cove - yep we're growing up!) on Lake of the Ozarks. It was finally warmer - no sweats and jackets required. The water was chilly though. Ten plus inches of rain the week before dropped the water temp nearly ten degrees!
Jeff acts as first mate
Buddies huddle together for warmth on Thursday

While maybe not as sexy as other types of boats, the pontoon is a great party boat. Especially for old folks! It was quite comfy to get in and out of - no crawling over the side. Two thumbs up from this freeloader. We'll miss the McKim RV tailgating this fall - but the pontoon is a pretty good tradeoff. Donnie was a good captain too - we only got a bit wet from passing cruisers waves. No wall of water!
great pic of our farmer friend
After floating a while (and when we all needed to use the facilities) - we headed to Fish and Company. Dale Blue was the entertainment - and we tried to help! Diana manned the tambourine and I was called "camera girl" by Dale himself. The girls had fun dancing - some Kansas State friends helped too. Fellow Crestonites the Hueys were there with their son - kind of a Brad Pitt look alike. Cute!
Who knew the tambourine had a handle?
Young Mr. Huey talks to Jeff and Paul
The girls drank something blue...they said it was delish
Later we dropped Paul and Lucy off. Then we had another burst of energy. We stopped one more place and Diana sang karaoke! We ate pizza too. It was nearly dark by the time we pulled into the McKim place. 
breakfast at Eckhoffs Saturday a.m. - Paul E. made biscuits and gravy AND with hollandaise - had some great melon with it, so it wasn't all heart attack material
Of course McKims had the flag flying!
It was a long drive home to Iowa yesterday. But we were lucky, and got to hitch a ride down with McKims and a home with McFees. We left our car at WalMart in Osceola and it was still there when we got back. So that was a bonus. Laundry and a wiener dog awaited when we got home. Our dog/house sitter Kimmy McFee is heading back to pick up a second major at ISU. We'll miss you Kim. Odie was always alive when we got home! haha. If anyone knows a dog sitter in the WDM area - let me know.

I got through Monday and I'm still feeling the good vibes from the trip - grateful for our friends. I hope they know they can count on us too - if they need a fab vacation spot in Dez Moinezz. Or any other kind of support. And stuff.

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