Sunday, February 23, 2020

St. Augie with the Gals

YAY! It's "bucket filling" time of year. The time when I get together with my Atown homegirls. This year we picked St. Augustine, Florida - an ancient city on the Atlantic side of the state. We stayed in a lovely VRBO house right on the beach. There were seven of us. Such great light and views!

The town is filled with shopping, history, and restaurants, was located just a few miles away from our beach house. We drove in several times and parking in the main ramp. It was a perfect place. When not touristing, we were happy to hang out at our lovely home and did some touristy stuff:

Went to the visitor's center and an ancient Presbyterian Church and college campus
Attended a shell talk
Had supper at Beachcombers
Visited the Castillo de San Marcos - the oldest masonry fort in the US, and chowed at a great biscuit restaurant
Attended an art gallery and went to lunch

In between, we enjoyed our time at our beachy home! Of course, my gals are good cooks. I am on the cleanup crew!

I enjoy the delicious concoctions they come up with during our vacation. We have so many fabulous discussions about growing up, life at 62, work, retirement, health, fashion and more! We decided we should start a Pod-Cast! haha. When I wake up in the mornings - I do love listening to those girls chat as they start their days. 

I posted a few pics on Facebook and classmate Ted let me know that Roger and Connie were in the area too! So I texted him and we arranged an AHS gathering - impromptu in Florida. How cool is that? It was nice to see Rog and Connie. Small world!

All too soon it was time to leave. That's the sad part. It's such fun being with the girls and we text constantly.  But it's not like being together. Hearts across America!  Peace out to my GF!

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