Saturday, February 1, 2020

On to Texas

Statue of MLK on the day honoring him - University of Texas campus

When traveling, we try to visit people we know in the area. And no, it's not (just - haha) about free lodging. Visiting friends and family allows us a chance to have real conversations with them - beyond the usual "how are you?".

The rule is 2 days at the most. More than that can be overstaying one's welcome. Note - in some cases it can be 0 or 1 day - depending on if they are even comfortable hosting visitors. Know your host - don't put them or you in a bad spot. Consider their setup for visitors. Some people enjoy hosting guests - others prefer their guests sleep elsewhere. We have two spare bedrooms and enjoy having guests. But when the kids were still home it wasn't as easy as there was no real guest room. 
Paula's backyard - so lovely compared Iowa's snow

We arrived in Austin, Tex on Saturday afternoon (1/18). It's always fun staying with Paula in Austin. It's my third time. She insisted we stay for three nights - so she was probably ready to wave to us as we drove off armed with better than Google directions (provided by PJB) on getting out of town. 

If you are a longtime blog reader, you know that Paula is one of my Atlantic besties - from age 4 or so. We lost touch in our middlin' years but reconnected in our mature years. When we reconnected we discovered again how much we like each other! Now Paul too has gotten to know her too. She's lived in Austin for many years and has traveled quite a bit, so helpful advising us about the rest of our trip and other future trips.

When we arrived in Austin on Saturday, the three of us went out to an area restaurant. I told her I was up for some music so we then headed to hear some music! For live music, many think of Nashville, New Orleans, and Memphis - but Austin is a huge music city in its own right. The musicians are everywhere as we found out. Paula took us to Central Market - a grocery store that features live music. Picture HyVee with a dancefloor and band. People were shaking a leg to swing. Others like us Groups of people and families sat in the dining area outside the dance floor to listen - a great way for youngsters to experience live tunes!
Wild Basin was so pretty! Austin is hilly. 

We hiked the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve - right in the city. Austin has waterfalls! It was a great workout and a beautiful hike.

Then we enjoyed the NFL games - except the Packers had no answer for the Giants. Paula cooked up some great game food - and even dessert! How about those Chiefs? They were my first ever fave football team - Len Dawson, Otis Taylor, Emmit Thomas, Willie Lanier, Bobbie Bell, Jan Stenerud - and later, our Atlantic hometown boy Ed Podolak! Even as a youngster, I always loved watching football. Mom and I watched Monday Night Football together with a bowl of popcorn.

Paula volunteers at the airport, staffing the Information Booth most weeks, so she knows her way around the joint. I had an appointment at the Austin Airport on 1/20 to interview for Global Entry - a US Customs and Border protection clearance program for low-risk (that's me!) travelers for expedited clearance when traveling, using kiosks. You have to book those appointments months in advance - and Iowa doesn't have the program! I was so fortunate to book that date in Austin on MLK day. Now I'm set for the Bullock sisters May France River cruise. More about that later. The appointment only took 10 minutes once my name was called.
Fountain and tower UT Campus

Later we visited the Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Library located near the University of Texas campus. It was my first presidential library - very interesting! I was a child during his presidency and only remember him peripherally - on black and white TV, during Viet Nam war clips. What an unsettling time in the US. I had no idea how much he influenced civil rights after the southern-born man spent years as a "separate but equal" believer. Later he changed his views to understand that integration was necessary. The library gave me a glimpse into the era and the man.
Paula and I are posing with Motown costumes - karaoke here we come! 

As a bonus, the LBJ Library was hosting a Motown Exhibit - featuring fabulous costumes and music from "back in the day". Were people really that little? I'm so glad activities guide Paula suggested the museum. From there we walked through the University of Texas (UT) campus and the surrounding area in search of good barbecue! Paul's fave brisket was yummy! We walked over 5 miles that day - good thing with all the food we had taken in by then. Another bad thing about vacation - overeating!
I had chicken - so delish! 

If you've never been to Austin, you should check it out. You can do the trip - Oklahoma City to Fort Worth to Waco to Austin. You can even continue to San Antonio! This great country has so many fab places to visit. Just check out the web before going to plan your visit. So much to do and see.

Next - on to western Texas and New Mexico.

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