Monday, December 26, 2016

Favorite Christmas

We just flew in from Colorado and boy are my arms tired. Okay, not really - we drove. And by we, I mean Paul, who drove most of the way home from Vail in the snowy mountains to DSM. It was snowy in the mountains at 6 a.m. when we left - blowing too. Then, we hit Denver and thought we were home free. Not so fast said Eastern Colorado - try black ice on the road for about 80 miles off and on. Not fun. Good thing I had a trusty pilot.

It was tough to leave this morning, ending the whirlwind fabulous time with family over this special holiday.
  • On Thursday Jud, wife Kara, Amy and fiancĂ© Corey and Paul and I went to the light show at the Botanic Garden. For people like us, who didn't partake in the marijuana edibles, they sold groovy glasses that made little figures appear when you looked at the lights.
  • Corey and Amy will stand in this spot in August and say their vows. No goofy glasses...
  • In just over eight months, Corey and Amy will be married at this very location. We can't wait! We are hoping the weather will be quite different...But not hot as hell.
Wedding reception will be in this room!

  • After viewing the lights we went to Euclid Hall for supper - it's our nephew Colby's fave place. I just enjoyed soaking in being with my 5 fave people!
  • Friday we hung out at the 16th Street Mall. There's a bowling alley there, those we never ended up donning the cool shoes and tossing the heavy black balls. Ping Pong and billiards were played though. Later we stopped at a deli that Amy works with (in her graphic design biz) for delicious cookies.
  • That evening my Aunt Marty threw a family party at her residence. Our family, my niece Jordan and her fiancĂ© Jill and my cousins, the Lamms, were there. It had been a while since our children had gotten to see my cousins- Amy (hubby Tom) along with their kids Kate and Matt - both students at CSU. And my cousin Richard, who entertained us with memories of Christmas past.
  • After the delish meal, Aunt Marty told us about her favorite Christmas memory. A few others chimed in with their memories. I'm thinking this definitely will be added to my list of favorites!
  • I'm glad my children have had a chance to get to know my auntie, and her sis Aunt Jeanie. Plus my cousins. Friday they all got to meet Amy's fella Corey. Marty had met him earlier - and had given her seal of approval. #coreymadethegrade
After the meal, Odie was happy to see the kids - her siblings! She moaned, whined and received the appropriate amount of belly rubs. The evening couldn't have been better. The next day - we were off to Vail/Beaver Creek to hang with my sis Cindo and nephew Colby. My eyes are getting awful tired and that will need to be a story for another night!

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