Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wayward children

At a meeting I attended this week, Chris, someone I've known through work and Facebook, asked me a question. "How do you do it?" she ask. She was talking about letting my children go - to move away.  She told me her daughter has an opportunity to move to the west coast. She mentioned that she knows that my kids don't live near here.

Wow! That was a deep question put to me 10 minutes before a meeting that I was a little nervous about. But Chris was reaching out, trying to get some support for something that obviously was weighing on her. Concentrate I told myself.

How should I answer? Chris is sad because she doesn't want her daughter to move away from her. When we like our kids - and vice-versa - it's nice to have them around. But it's selfish, really. Of course I didn't say that. That would be mean.

Would I like to have Amy and Jud live nearby? Certainly. It would be fun to have them over and to go shopping together and see them more than a few times a year.

But even more than that - I want what's best for them. And that might not be here.

I asked Chris the reason for her daughter's proposed move. It's a job opportunity that she and her husband won't have here in Iowa. It sounds like a move they should make. "How exciting!," I said, "it will be hard for you if they go - but you'll be so happy to see them succeed." Chris might even need to be prepared to give her daughter pep talks when she is homesick. Plus they'll need have a cool place to visit!

I don't know if I convinced her. We're all different and I don't know how intertwined her life is with her daughter's right now. Our ten minute discussion didn't allow time for that.

In my case, even if our children lived here, I can't picture us being besties. They lead very independent lives as do Paul and I. Other fams are different. Some probably thrive when they don't live by each other. #disfunctionalfam

Bless Chris and her fam. And kudos to me for not whipping out the corny poem, "If you love something, let it go".

The meeting went great!

If the kids lived nearby we could do this every game...NOT

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