Friday, March 8, 2019

In Honor of Women

Bullock girls - rear view

Today is International Women's Day. In honor of that, I decided to make some inquiries from a few people I know. "What women have impacted your life?"

The results were impactful. Some mentioned friends/famous people they admire. One wrote of a college friend who, despite her own heavy early life burdens, was always there to help those struggling with depression, anxiety, and past trauma.

Several of us couldn't help but mention our mothers. When I think of my mom, I can't help but conjure up my three sisters who took away the best parts of our mother - her strength, intelligence, persistence and don't forget those organizational skills. Others recall their mother's abilities to nurture - and comfort in tough times. One mom helped a friend understand that her bully likely had her own monsters causing her to lash out - which in turn helped my friend become one of the most empathetic people I know.

One pal called out her own wonderful daughter as her muse. As a young mother, my friend says she learned strength from and with her girl.

Two mentioned women who helped raise them up as they moved through their careers. Isn't it wonderful when we can help lift each other up? Even when we are not in power position to give people $ raises, we can encourage others. Sometimes knowing that others believe in you is all it takes. 

My favorite came from a friend who years ago, in a troubled time, reached out to a therapist to help with depression and anxiety. The psychologist was able to help her learn life tools - guiding with "compassion, grace, and patience". My friend still uses those skills today. She happily reported that she called the doctor, now retired, this morning to thank her for her guidance. What a wonderful outcome of this exercise - a made up day to celebrate women!

Paul picked me - kind of a cop out, but it made me smile. I thought he'd choose his mother - what a wonderful woman. Try asking your friends and family. You might be surprised at the answers!

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