Sunday, February 10, 2019

Slip Sidin' Away

It's a snowy Sunday in Iowa. We got about four fluffy inches of the stuff overnight. We're having a real winter this year - sneaking through December with little of the white stuff. People even played golf late into the year. Then January hit.

Years like this one remind me of my childhood in smalltown Iowa. Our garage was filled with a variety of sliding objects - wooden sleds with metal runners, an aluminum toboggan with a green cloth pad, and the wild and crazy metal saucers that looked like hubcaps.

A day like today would have been filled with a number of sledding "runs". We were in and out of the house several times a day, with breaks to warm up and have snacks. Our yard, before we built the deck at the top of the hill, was perfect for sledding. We piled on a variety of winter clothing with woolen mittens. The boots back then were the rubber kind that you put on over your shoes. I don't know how Mom kept all those sizes straight! She did insist we use the back door for entry and exit - right into the laundry room.

When we got tired of our own little hill, we headed for bigger challenges. The biggest we could walk to was Washington Hill - near the Elementary School. The only problem there was Buck Creek at the bottom. Gulp! I never did hit water there. One time I was some guys sledding on a car hood. That baby ran fast! It was fun when someone took the time to make a snow mogul, or jump to route the sled over. Sometimes we sledded so long, our extremities would be frozen. Well worth it though. Fun!

Later, when we had kids, we had modern versions of sleds and we had fun all over again sledding. By then someone had invented blow up sleds. Our dog Moki loved to chase that sled as the kids slid down bus barn hill near our first home on Prairie in Creston.

Snow. Yeah, I get sick of it. But when you embrace it - it's a lot of fun!

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