Sunday, August 20, 2017

Lean in to Little Joys

Niece Jordan and son Jud got me hooked on Podcasts. If you haven't started listening, download an "app" or application on your Smartphone and open up your world to the many topics out there from soup to nuts (politics, how things work, history, sports, murder). The beauty is that you can do it on your own time. I listen while I drive, do laundry - even clean. Okay, I don't clean that much - but I could!

My "*work husband", Scott and I usually walk together at lunch. Of course, we talk about work topics, along with other stuff like sports, family and weekend activities.
*Scott is a nice young guy - married with a daughter who is nearly two. I call him my work husband because sometimes I can't remember if I told him something or Paul.

In the last couple weeks, Scott has been on vacation and I've been on my own for lunch walks. I listened to Podcasts during my walks. I must admit, the walks go much faster (and farther) with a real live walking partner. But the Podcasts can be enlightening - and there is less bitching by me...

Last week, an Oprah Supersoul Sessions Podcast was on tap, with Sheryl Sandberg on grieving - Life After Loss. Though it's been a while since I've experienced a big loss, I knew this one would offer up some useful information.

In the spring of 2015, Facebook COO and bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg was vacationing with her husband, Dave Goldberg, in Mexico when he died suddenly at age 47. Read more:

I liked hearing Oprah and Sheryl talk about grief and life. It made me feel like I was sitting in on a conversation with friends. Somethin, Sheryl spoke about hit home with me. It is something I've been trying to do - appreciate little joys, instead of waiting for the big stuff. 

Here are a few I experienced this week:
I worked at the Iowa State Fair in the Environmental Education Trailer. A young girl of about 8 years in came in with a pink kitten marionette. She walked it carefully across the recycled wooden trailer floor, feet tapping. Being a smartass, I said, "Miss, I'm sorry, you can't bring pets into this trailer." She got a look on her face and started heading for the door...
My fair friend - playing one of the new recycling games

Of course, I quickly told her I was joking and asked her the kitten's name. "Nell," she said - my Mom's (and Betsy's) middle name. My new friend insisted on showing me how to manipulate the furry creature - placing my hand along the wooden "controller". It was really cute. Joy!
Such a group of loved ones resting here

I had a meeting in my hometown, Atlantic, Thursday. It gave me a chance to stop by the family plot, overlooking a golf course and a bar. What more could you want for a resting place? Our son Patrick's sugar maple tree is beautiful and large, providing lovely shade. 

 At the meeting, a foundation set up to raise scholarship funds for Atlantic High School Students, I enjoyed seeing several longtime friends and acquaintances - I'll use maiden names for the women to keep it simple: Cathy Heithoff, Cathy Hjortshoj, Toni Mason, Mike Henningsen, JC VanGinkel, and CJ Heithoff. There were others who I don't know as well but enjoyed talking to also. 

JC and his wife Marci purchased our family home when my folks moved to the condo by the country club. Though JC and Marci no longer live at 202 Crombie, we talked about the house - and I mentioned how I would hit tennis balls against the double garage door - setting up a ladder to collect the balls that settled on the flat roof. CJ told me that was a specially built ladder for the garage. Brad Henningsen now has that ladder. That made me smile. 

Paul and I decided to attend the Solheim Cup - the women's professional golf team play tournament. It's the United States vs. Europe. This year it is in our back yard at the Des Moines Golf and Country Club - just up the street from our house. Friday night a gal from our townhouse association emailed that she had two tickets for about half price. Bingo! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at this event - and ran into our Creston pals (now Okoboji residents) Dwight and Marilyn Conover.    

I woke up to a thunderstorm this morning - something we haven't had much this summer. Breakfast at the Waveland before grocery shopping. 

One other thing I picked up from the podcast. Remember the Golden Rule? 
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Sheryl said that she recommends the Platinum Rule. According to the Urban Dictionary:
Platinum Rule understands and accommodates for the fact that not everyone wants to be treated the same way. It says that we should treat people how they want to be treated, regardless of how we might personally want to be treated in similar situations.

She was talking about the situation when she went back to work after her husband died. People didn't know how to treat her - whether or not to talk about her husband Dave or not, etc. That helped her understand that people are different. You could ask the person - "how would you like to deal with this?" and observe their wishes.

Now - back to watching golf on TV.

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