We traveled to St Louis to meet our new grandson Reece David Goldsmith a few days ago. Yay! He's a much-loved addition to our family. Big sister Nell Marie is okay with him so far. She likes to pat his cheeks and kiss his head. Just wait until he starts messing up her stuff!
Who knew I'd become a granny who loves holding infants? Not me! Reece makes lots of dramatic faces and squeaks as he sleeps. When he's awake, his bright inquisitive eyes gaze about - they look all-knowing. I can't wait for that first smile.
His parents Jud and Kara work for European-based companies that extend generous leave benefits. They don't have to stress about getting up for work after a night of little sleep. The two do a wonderful job of tag-team parenting with Reece and Nell. Of course, Kara, as food supply, has the hardest job. Parenting is a challenging job - but the rewards can be great! Like watching your child be an awesome parent.
Visiting grandparents have the best jobs. Play with the grandkids, help with basic upkeep, feed the dogs, and hold the baby. Nell is at a mostly delightful age. It's hard to be 2 1/2 and to share your parents with a tiny attention hog! We're amazed at how much she changes between our visits. She greets us with a huge smile each morning when she wakes up - amazed that we're still there.
Paul is recovering from recent knee surgery and Nell was very worried about his leg "booboo". She and I played on her tumble mats downstairs and I taught her the "the floor is water" game. She loves jumping and tumbling. Geema (hard G) still has it - I performed front and back somersaults! Nell said "oh my gosh". I did too!
Nell loves to learn new things - evidenced by a video Jud shared of Nell and him reading the book 1 2 3 with the Notorious BIG, sent by Aunt Amy Park. I'm proud of how quickly Nell mastered each of the many rappers' faces/names. She loves to dress up, so I try to find small accessories to add to her collection. This time, the purple bedazzled sunglasses were a hit! She makes a great superhero in bracelets!
I have to admit I not only love visiting the grandkids and their parents, I also love seeing the dogs, Archie and Charlie. They seems to enjoy our visits and like to snuggle during TV time. One problem with new HD TVs - Charlie and Archie can see dogs on there - and bark accordingly. Loudly! Good thing Reece heard them in utero and pays no attention.
The kids and I took Nell and Reece to the playground. Reece snoozed the whole time, but Nell enjoyed swinging - "higher, higher"! She can be a bit of a daredevil at times. I'm amazed at how observant our girl is. She was delighted to identify a wispy afternoon moon high in the sky! After we drove home from the park she found the moon again. Once the sun went down, Nell and I checked the moon status from the deck. We were awed by the stars and moon. A priceless moment - remembering my mom, who taught me the song:
"I See the Moon, The Moon Sees Me. The Moon Sees the One I want to See. God Bless the Moon and God Bless Me and God Bless the One I want to See."
Special times with special people - the ones I want to see. 💖
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