Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Birthday Girl!

It's my birthday - again! I'm getting to be the age where one realizes each one is a gift - not just those important milestones like the one when you get your driver's license or can legally drink alcohol - or can retire. This is my first retired birthday and I must say to do prefer it to a working birthday - even when work treats/singing were involved. 

Paul and I worked as Election Officials at the poll in West Des Moines yesterday from 6 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. It was our first time. It was exhausting but very rewarding. We completed training a couple of weeks ago, but that really didn't prepare me for a 7 a.m. stream of eager voters lined up to do their civic duty. The crush lasted for about 4 hours - I didn't have time to use the restroom or even take a pill for a headache. 

The team of eleven officials (split evenly Rs/Ds), led by a veteran official was mostly newbies. Older poll workers had opted out due to Covid. We all wore masks - and some of us started the day with a shield too but they proved to be a bit cumbersome. The computer system is very slick - using scanners for those who have Iowa Driver's licenses. Even without, those in the system can use several methods to satisfy voter requirements. 

It surprised me how many people needed to register to vote on Election Day. Did they not see the "Make a Plan to Vote" outreach or was that their plan all along? I've never been a procrastinator so I just don't get it. Still, the system was pretty efficient once I figured it out and we got them registered and able to vote. Paul was the guy that fed the paper ballots into the counting machine. Our site had 2 precincts - had about 1,500 people vote - 700 in the first 4 hours.

So today is my birthday! I'm exhausted and like everyone, am awaiting election results. In the meantime, it's gorgeous here so I hope to get in a walk. I'm trying to stay off the Internet (this counts as writing, not Internet time). That's my plan going forward - less social media, more real life. Or books - always my retreat since childhood. 

                                                Lee Van Nostrand's bday party

This morning I was thinking of childhood birthday parties - mine and ones I went to. We shopped for presents in downtown Atlantic, put on little dresses, and went to large parties where there were games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Pop the Balloon with your Butt. One year I received three identical Piggy Banks as gifts - two blue and one pink. I don't think I had that much change! Sometimes my mom would make me take a little kid pajama set for the birthday girl as a gift - because Dad was a sales rep for that company. Ugh! How embarrassing! I would have hated to get that as a gift. Give me a GI Joe! 

Speaking of my childhood, last week I drove to St. Louis to spend time with my kids - new parents Jud and Kara and grandchild, Nell. While we had time together Jud asked me questions about my childhood - something we'd never had a chance to talk much about before. He has met a few of my childhood friends, though it's been a while since he's seen them - Sally, Robyn, and Julia. It was fun to tell him about some of our childhood antics! And then to talk about things we're doing in our 60's. 

Speaking of Nell - when I'm feeling stressed, I picture that little face and I smile! Jud and Kara are doing such a great job with her. They were very generous to allow me to hold her whenever I wanted to. She's just starting to smile - so many emotions can cross her face in a short time, but she seems to be a pretty chill baby. The weather wasn't too great but I was content just hanging with her at the house.

We did get out on Wednesday on a trip to the free St. Louis Zoo. Nell snoozed her way around the bears, big cats, seals, and apes. She's adorable sleeping in her stroller! It was nice to get out of the house. Jud and Kara went on a date that night and the kiddo and I did just fine. Even mellow babies demand a great deal of attention - parents need their own oxygen as a couple - away from the baby. 

I can't believe how strong Nell is getting already! She's getting to that stage where on her tummy she seems angry that she can't do more. She's got a play area mat on the floor and it's fun to see her new awareness of her surroundings. Pups Archie and Henry like to check her out when she's on the floor. Just wait until she's mobile guys! 

I drove home on Friday. It was hard to leave - knowing how much she'll change by the time I see her again. I was happy to see my honey who had spent the week hunting and working. While I was gone we got a new furnace - the homeowner moneypit is alive and well. Next up - a window. Happy Birthday! 


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