Sunday, October 27, 2019

Into Each Life

Finally, a home game day without rain...unless you count the OSU Cowboys raining long-distance scoring plays on our beloved Cyclones. It was brisk though. I'm not ready to bundle up this soon in the season. Guess what day it was? Octoberfest, y'all! 

Our "block" in tailgate land is similar to a neighborhood. Several of those who are here every home game "group up" to party together. Some knew each other before, but some just met through the grace of being Cyclone fans who tailgate. It's a beautiful thing! Sometimes we borrow a "cuppa sugar" from each other. Watch each others' TVs or just hang out. 
Bill lines up a tap to "schlag"

The Brockmann group goes big on Octoberfest, organizing teams and games. Some of the clan has young kids - enjoy seeing them grow up - "the Cyclone way". We got in on some of the fun - a competition with rules, a judge and everything. Hammerschlagen is a German game reportedly dating from 1940,] in which several contestants try to hammer a nail into a stump using the wrong end of the hammerhead. Our friend Kari ended up 2nd in the competition! I ditched my nail after many rounds of overshooting and undershooting. I blamed my eye doc - who was hammering just to my right. 
Bobbi holds her stein
Conovers stopped over. I finally got to meet baby Hank - son Phil's little guy. I talked Marilyn into posing with me in this photo. Sheryl & Bob Young stopped by with son Jubal - so great to see them. I hadn't seen Sheryl since she retired from being my ARNP caregiver (and friend) for many years. Gee, I miss her! Donnie's college pal Wally was in town - fun guy to chat with. And Kevin's bro Ralph. Our little group always enjoys our time together - we find things to laugh about no matter what.   
Me with Marilyn
Diana and Kari digging the tunes - Juicy Wiggle? 

Paul grilled thin ribeyes for sandwiches - they were delish! We had our traditional shots before the game. Too bad they didn't bring good luck this time. We got to the game with plenty of time for the flyover. So cool! The Cyclones never played up to their potential the whole game. Disappointing. A damper on a day that was an A+ otherwise. 

It was dark by the time the traffic cleared out and we decided to head home. Paul has a date with deer today. We were both exhausted. There is something about spending the whole day outside that makes you tired - in a good way. My cheeks were chapped. I'm glad I have Sunday to recuperate. 

The weeks are sailing by - my time working at DNR is ticking away. Of course, retirement is a topic of conversation wherever I go. Word has spread! It's amazing how many people, no matter what age they are, say they are pining for retirement. Paul retired last January - so it has been on my mind as he thought about it and planned it. But prior to that, we didn't think about it much. I started working at DNR at age 51, so I had that new job feeling for a long time, and I still enjoy my job. I hope everyone does! Of course, there are parts that are a drag - every job has those. 

Land Quality Bureau Retreat this week - packed Meals from the Heartland for 2 hours with workmates. 

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