Sunday, September 2, 2018

Lovett, Storm Warning, Emergency

Months ago I purchased two tickets for a Lyle Lovett concert at Hoyt Sherman Place. Why, you might ask. How did I become a Lyle fan? I blame it on my friends Mary Faber and Deb Peterson.

In 1996, not long after my Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer, those two asked me to go to a Lyle concert. They knew I was feeling sad. I knew who Lyle was - a couple of his band's songs had made it to the radio. But I didn't know much about him - except that he'd had a brief, ill-fated marriage to Julia Roberts. Never-the-less, a night out with those two wonderful friends was just what I needed! I don't remember much about the night except the love and care Mary and Deb provided. And that Lyle Lovett and the Large Band didn't suck. I didn't rush out and buy all their CDs - but their music kept percolating in my head.

Years later, living in Des Moines, I searched for music to fill out my library. I often wear earbuds at work to drown out the cacophony of cubicle-land. Especially since I sit by loud-talking phone guy. He seems to think his phone is like those old "cans with strings" we use to put together when we were kids. He yells at people on his phone. Ugh. Insert earbuds, turn up tunes.

I ended up getting a Lyle CD and they had me at "That's Right You're Not From Texas" and "MONEY". I'd always thought they were a country band, but no - they're more swing. And the individual talent of the Large Band is special.
Deb and Leslie love cheese and fancy drinks

I knew Paul wouldn't be too wild about seeing a band he's never really listened to. And he's left me...for his hunting trip. So I asked my pal Deb and come up for the 8/31 concert. We made a night of it, visiting the Cheese Bar and Eatery A.
Band members have been together for many years. Cello player was born in Iowa! 

Hoyt Sherman is such a special concert venue - the musicians always bring it up. The acoustics are marvelous. I got seats up close but off to the side. They played many of my favorites. The musicians and female singer Francine get a lot of solo time. They played for over 2 hours. Fun night. The while weekend Deb and I enjoyed time to catch up on each other's lives. I miss that! It was hard to say goodbye Saturday morning - but it was Game Day baby!

Or so I thought! I packed up the gear and headed to Ames about noon. Kevin and Kari got a slick new trailer this year. Tailgating was fun, but no lie, I missed my honey.
Kevin and the babes at the game

He did call while I was still on my first beer of the season. He was high on a mountain peak. The phone was cutting out - I heard a story about how he and his hunting buddy Al had come upon a father/daughter team riding mules to hunt elk. It was her 16th birthday present. For some reason, the mules spooked and dumped the riders. The dad hit his head and the daughter was injured and couldn't get up. Paul and Al dumped their packs and hiked back to the parking area to call mountain rescue. Chainsaws had to be used to get a 4-wheeler up the path to get a stretcher up the get the girl. I was concerned about the mules (of course). They ran back to their trailer. Phew! The dad left a note on their windshield yesterday - thanking them. It turns out they ended up with only cuts and bruises. Yay! No other hunting news - the elk are in hiding.
Creston's Trevor Downing (the big guy) Freshman lineman
Hmmm storms look ominous. There's a Cyclone warning! 

The game was exciting! All 4 minutes. The usual cast of people that sit by us was accounted for. Yay! We high-fived after ISU's touchdown. Then lightning and rain hit. Game Over. We sat in the car. It turns out they have to wait 30 minutes after every lightning strike. Which means the game could have started at roughly 3 in the morning. It was the longest lightning show every.

We finally ended up back under our tailgating tent drinking a beer, eating sugar cookies - what a combo! We laughed taking down the tent in the rain. Those people are so damn cheerful. Big thanks to Erecke's for putting me up at their house Saturday night. And to everyone, who stopped by our tailgate. It was fun seeing you all. Next time there will be a real game to follow!

This group laughs a lot! 

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