Saturday, April 28, 2018

Drinking Problem

I bet that got your attention. I do post a lot of pictures that include alcohol as our weekend activities often include our favorite beverages. I'm don't often drink alcohol during the week, except the occasional Thursday night. That's when we meet folks from Paul's work for "Teambuilding".

My drinking problem is with good 'ol H2O. I don't drink enough of it. Water. I never have. During this past couple weeks, not drinking enough water has taken its toll. I was recovering from an illness and became dehydrated. Now I have a knot in my calf that won't go away. I'm suffering from other things like foot cramps too.Yuck.

I read an article recently that said that women don't hydrate enough - especially as they age. That causes dehydration. Dehydration is the reason many women fall. Two of my dear friends' mothers have fallen in the past year. Those falls have had severe consequences! A broken hip and nerve damage. I feel so badly for my friends' mommas and their families. They are in good hands now as they rehab in good facilities.

I've never been a water drinker. I usually have water available - for just in case! But subconsciously I don't want to drink it up.

  • I don't feel thirsty
  • Then it will be gone
  • I will need to pee
  • I'll need to refill my bottle with water that tastes bad
I know, pretty weak! Except for the not thirsty thing. That one is tough. It doesn't seem to be a problem on Friday night during cocktail hour! 

I haven't been working out with my trainer since I got back from Florida - recovering from illness. I'm booked for Monday. This leg thing isn't going to help. I hope the workout helps the leg! Torie, my trainer told me about an "app" I could download on my phone to help remind me to drink water. Today I did that. I'll need to drag a water bottle around more. I try to avoid single-use plastic bottles whenever I can. But bad-tasting water can stop me from drinking water when away from home. 

The app I downloaded is Drink Water. I put in my gender and weight and it figured how much I need to drink. The app reminds me every 45 minutes during my waking hours. We'll see how this goes towards building a good drinking habit! Wish me luck. Sip, sip.

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