Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Like Cousins

Lauren Behr got married last weekend! She's now a Wadzinski, wife of Patrick "Wad" Wadzinski.

We arrived at the chapel on the gorgeous St. Olaf campus in Northfield, MN with plenty of time to spare, but many people had been seated. I was the first of our group to be greeted by the usher. As he walked me up the aisle, he awaited word on where we'd like to be seated. "We're, like cousins," I blurted out. And he delivered us to a row right behind the groom's family. I wasn't going to complain that we were the bride's pretend cousins.

I have known Lauren since pre-birth. So that qualifies as cousin material - right? I've been around her through all stages of her life, especially when she was young and our families got together more frequently. Even later, when our family's paths didn't cross as often, I have kept track of Lauren through her mother and now on social media. She's grown up to be such a lovely young women. We were so happy to be able to attend her wedding.

Paul and I arrived in Northfield on Friday in time to go out for supper with friends Ann and Steve Hauser and Kay Wilt who was awaiting her husband and daughter Alyssa. They were flying in from a mission service project in Georgia. Over barbecue, we caught up on kids' activities and each other's lives.

Later, Paul and I headed to Froggy Bottoms, a fave Northfield pub to see the wedding party, post rehearsal. It was great to talk to Lauren and Patrick and hear about their honeymoon trip to Cuba! It sounds fascinating and I can't wait to see photos and hear about it - no credit cards, wifi or cash machines. Kinda sounds like my childhood - substitute the Cuban culture for Atlantic, IA. haha

catch up with our friends, the Behrs and family - especially Vicki's folks Barb and Jon whom I've known since 1976. Also, Vic's sis Krista who invited me to her 10th birthday party, noting that they'd pick all attendees up, but not me. Probably because I lived in Ames and she was in DeWitt. Yes, she's a bit younger than I am.

On Saturday, Wilts, Paul and I were on a mission to check out the new brew pubs in Northfield. They were great. In between, we did fit in a bit of shopping and lunch. At the second one, we were joined by Kay and Moose's daughter Jaime and her fiance Mike.

Then we were off to the wedding. We cleaned up nice.

Wilts with Mike

 After the wedding, we briefly went back to the first brew pub - joined by the new Mr. & Mrs! The place was packed. The reception was lots of fun. My favorite moment was seeing the bride dancing with her mom and grandma. It makes me sad that my mom wasn't here to see Jud & Kara and now Amy and Corey get married.

After the meal at the reception, when all the speeches were done, the groom spoke. He said someone had told him to look around. So he did. He said they told him to drink it in that all of these people are here because of you! And that is overwhelming. Patrick got a little choked up at this point, and I did too. And that is what weddings celebrations like this are about.

One week from today Paul and I head out for Amy and Corey's wedding. They'll be surrounding themselves with people they love. I can't wait!

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