I was still in the earlier stages of pregnancy - not yet full-on big and bitchy. He had always told me if I ever spied a deer before he did, he'd get me a diamond necklace. I know, it doesn't sound like much a feat today. But back then, deer were still rare. (If only...). It took me a long time. I'd been searching for a couple years by then. That day I scored!
I still think of that when I wear the necklace. It's not a big diamond, but I love it. The funny thing is, Paul still yells out, "there's a deer!" every time he sees one. Like it's a rare creature. Right. Anyhow, I still love him, father of my children.
Not sure who was driving... |
When Mother's Day rolls around, somehow I always feel like an imposter. It's supposed to be for MY mom, not me. Even though she's been gone 20 years this year. And sadly, I didn't value her as much as I should have when she was here. First I was busy being a self-centered young person. Then I was busy being a young mommy.
I was in about 8th grade here. Don't tip Dad! Are those socks he has on? |
I miss my mom. In her honor, I published the picture above on Facebook. It's from the early 1970's. Mom got the idea that she wanted a sailboat. So she switched cigarette brands for a while - from Virginia Slims to Kool, collecting carton ends to purchase a Kool Sailboat. I remember when the styrofoam boat was delivered and we had to put fiberglass sheets on the bottom and smear epoxy glue over them to harden and protect the boat. The result was a lightweight boat that held 3 people or 4 if 2 were little kids.
I don't remember how we got the boat over to Lake Anita. Periodically we'd head over there and said. Susi and Cindy had attended Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota and knew how to sail, but I don't think Mom and Dad knew a thing about it. The Deters like to go over with Mom and Dad too. There may have been some beverages - perhaps a trip to the Redwood.
The boat's official name was "the Bullfrog" and they joked that they should put the letters on upside down - as that was how they sailed it. I wonder if they Dad's wallet when they drained the lake a couple years ago? Happy Mother's Day Momma. Love you.
I was childless this Mother's Day because the kids live far away. But the offspring represented very well! Flowers on Saturday from Jud and Kara, with a gift - a way cool dish towel from an environmentally friendly company. Amy made a great donation to an organization I care deeply about. I've told them before - don't get me anything. They disobeyed! And they both called. Jud fessed up that Kara took care of the gifts. Daughter-in-laws rock. Soon Amy will be married and we'll have another son - Corey! I'm so glad I'm a mommy.
Paul treated me well on Mother's Day even though I'm not his mommy. He talked me into riding 14 miles on my bike. At least there were some nice cool stops along the way. And beer. And water. I'm very careful about drinking and biking because I'm a brittle old girl! Great weekend.